The First

Aug 24, 2008 18:40

This is the obligitory first post.

I built this LJ to host my higher rated fics and to flail about anything I so choose without having to bother with considering what my flist thinks of it.

So to start off here are a few little fics that I wrote for the latest smut meme (screw being anonymous).  Needless to say they are all NC-17 and I don't own the boys mentioned within them:

Massu/Shige + Koyama



If I write anymore I'll link them here.  I'm sure there are typos in them, I sorta wrote them faster than I usually do.  Try not to hold it against me, ne?

And hell, why not one from an old smut meme too:

Jin/Tegoshi (The first response is mine.  I make no claim on the second story.

Have a nice day ;)

nc-17, comment!fic, orgy, smut meme, massu/shige, jin/tegoshi, koya/shige

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