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Oct 13, 2007 21:46

Soo my assumptions on "Across the Universe' were very much accurate. The fella who plays "Jude" reminds me of a cross between Orlando Bloom, Kalan, and a youngish Paul McCartney.& The girl who played "Lucy" looked exactly like the actress LeeLee Sobieski. It was insane.A beautifully encompassed masterpiece which was pretty much a two hour long music video. (Probably the greatest music video ever composed)It kinda reminded me of a willy wonka, meets wizard of oz, meets every other fantastic movie with the best sound track ever all in one. Ahh. There was this constant feeling of my vision being on acid, throughout the movie.It was an experience. Honestly, i can whole heartedly admit it as being one of the best films i've ever seen in my entire existence on planet earth. Ahh.

Ellie and i for our field research assignment had to go visit another religon to write about and we chose the "Sikh" religon. We drove to Fairfax station to sit at one of the religous ceremonies. We first walked in and had to take our shoes off, and then were placed with pink bandana looking head pieces for we werent aloud to walk in there without one. We then went to interview the "high priest" and he was very vague in everything he said, asking all about the religon and where it originated and how its spread and just a bit about it, and i'm not sure if it was a language barrier or he just simply didn't feel like explaining it, because everything we asked he gave us a one line bland answer i.e "How often do you pray?he then answered with "whenever we can" Idk, maybe he wasnt aware we were lookign for something a little more specific but it was a little odd. Then we sat down and they gave us indian food, i thought it was really good actually.Sitting indian style on the carpts observing all the ladies and little kids with bright neon colour and sequency outifts and turbans on we hear above all the screamy little kids this constant sound almost like a moan on the loud speaker. We don't know what the hell is going on,so then the high priest comes down and tells us its time to start, and the service is actually upstairs. We went upstairs and we notice that the men are on one side against the wall, and the ladies are on the other side against the wall, so we joined them. Alot of ppl started coming and lining up behind this coffin looking thing putting money in and kissing the ground. It was almost surreal in a sense. The quiet, but constant reading of the Adi Grath in a foreign language was kinda serene. The respect in that place was bouncing off the walls, it was something i had never experienced and was really cool. I can't put into words how different it was, like a new world, but in a good refreshing way. I can't stop thinking about it, and Across the Universe! AHhh.Ari moves back soon, and the inside of my house looks like Halloween threw up all over.Great!
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