I feel one with the internets...

Nov 30, 2005 11:19

So I've been "tagged" by triforcekt to complete a "meme." I've never been tagged by anyone before, so I feel quite honored. I've also been told that the IRS will red flag you for an audit if you ignore such "tags" so here goes --

Six Random Facts About Me:

1. I met my wife in Paris. (And, yes, I mean the one in France.)

2. Mike Hamilton told me that President Kennedy had been assassinated. I was walking down the sidewalk toward the playground after lunch in 3rd grade.

3. Remember Susan Powter, the woman with the short blonde hair screaming about losing weight? I edited her informercial.

4. I went to every single football game, home and away, all four years of high school. (Ok, so I was in marching band but I played drums so I'm not that geeky.)

5. I was an extra in a film directed by Orson Welles that starred John Huston and Peter Bogdonavich. It was never released, but John Huston winked at me a couple of times on the set. (Hmmm.)

6. My father stepped on a land mine during World War II, but (duh) it didn't go off otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now. He was 18 years old.

Now I guess I'm supposed to tag a bunch of my LJ friends to do this on their journals, but I don't think I'll do that. Feel free to fill this out if you want... or go have a Starbucks.

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