How about a look-back and giggle post?

Sep 02, 2013 10:01

Day One

"Sayiiiiid... hey Sayid..."
"What Desmond?"

"I'm eating off of a sharp knife. I know that bugs ye."
"It doesn't bother me, Desmond."
"Then why aren't ye lookin'?"
"I just don't care to."
"Ha! See? See? Eatin' off a knife. Sayiiiid... seeee?"
"You are not bothering me Desmond."
"Heeee! Yes I am. Oh dear me. I could cut my tongue. But I shall continue to eat this mango off of this sharp, dangerous knife."
"Look Sayid!"
"I'm not going to look."
"Because it bugs ye!"
"Nooo... it does not bug me."
"Look! Look! Ooooooh... sharp knife... eating... seeeeee?"
"I'm not looking."
"Because it bugs ye! Heeeeee!"
"It does not."
"Does not."
"It does! Sayiiiiiid... look..."
"I'm not looking..."
"Grow up, Desmond."

And now, just look what Desmond's teasing hath wrought!


"I will get back at Desmond. Oh yes, I will. MWAHAHAHAHAAA!"



"Hi there. Is your refrigerator running?"
"Yeah. It is."
"Well then you'd better catch it before it gets away! Haaaaaa!"



"What is it I'm supposed to see?"
"Just look a little closer. There's a naughty picture of a hula girl in there!"
"Where? I don't..."
"You have to look closer. Put it right up to your eye."
"Brotha, if this is one of those trick spyglasses that put a black ring around your eye, I'll..."
"No! Really. Would I do that to you? Go on, look closer! You'll love it!"


"He really does like being woken up that way, I promise!"


"Hey Desmond. Someone slid a note for you under the door. Maybe it's from that cute redheaded girl down the hall!"

"You think so? What's it say? I'm too nervous to read it... that cute redheaded girl makes my palms sweat."

"Uh... I'm afraid it's bad news. Maybe you don't want to see it after all."
"What? What does it say? Come on, show me, brothah. I can take it."




"Um... Desmond? You've got something in your mustache."

"I do? What is it? Is it nasty?"
"I think it's a lima bean."
"Damn! That cute redheaded girl down the hall is coming over any minute... help me get it out! Where is it?"
"A little to the left..."
"Where? Here?"
"No... over to the right..."
"Darn it Sayid... where?"
"Over to the left again."

"Where?? I don't see anything!"
"HAAAAAAAAAA!! Made you look!! Nyaaaa!"

Day Eight

"Now let me get this straight. Desmond, you say Sayid won't let you borrow his can opener."
"Tha's right."
"And Sayid, you're mad because Desmond won't share his lima beans."
".......... *sigh*....."

Day Nine

"Come on, try it Desmond. It's hilarious!"
"All right, if you say so..."

"Hey Jack, do you have Prince Albert in a can?"
"Do I have what?"
"Well you better catch him before he gets away... uh... I mean... you better... uh... oh wait..."
"*snerk... Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!... *snort*"


Day Ten

"And... and... he won't stop PICKING on me! And playing jokes! Make him quit, will ye?"
"Dessssmoooooooooonnnnd... hey Desmond. Look!"
"And he keeps looking at me crosseyed!"
"No I don't."
"Yeah, you do!"
"You do! Stop it, brothah!"
"I'm not loooooooking at youuuuuuu."
"You are!"

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