Daily Post: The Game Continues

Apr 15, 2010 10:03

Let's play a game, shall we?

Just a little guide:
Blue = Desmond
Green = John
Red = Sayid

***Warning***: Spoiler pics from 6x12, if you haven't already seen it


Hey John, how about a game of Cat's Cradle?

I don't think I've ever played, you'll have to show me how.

No problem, Brothah. Just stick your hands in here and...

Don't do it, John!

What? Why not?

You stay out of this, Sayid.

Don't play with him, John. He CHEATS!

Don't be silly, Brothah. How can you cheat at Cat's Cradle? Ohhhh... I know... you're just miffed because of that stuff that happened. Hey Sayid, that was in the past. Get over it and stop pouting. Sheesh. Big baby.

I'm NOT pouting. Besides, I WON.

No you didn't.

Yes I did.

No you didn't.

Gaaaah. I hate you.

What the hey are you two talking about??

THIS: http://lostpuffin.livejournal.com/20439.html

You aren't actually going to believe that zombie, are you John? I don't cheat. I promise.

Welllll... I don't knowwww... how about if I choose the game then?

Hmmmm. Oh all right. Lead on...

What're we doing here?

I thought we could toss some coins in. You know... and make a wish.

That's not a game. I thought you wanted to play a game?

Sure it's a game.

Is not.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes it is.


Oh stop being difficult Desmond. Here... look a little closer. It'll be fun, I promise.

I still don't think it's a................. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!............. darrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn yyyyyyouuuuuuuuuu Jooooooooohhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn......

It is done. He will bother you no more.



or IS it???

the daily post, desmond

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