Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2010 11:24

Some happy-smiley Ian-as-Jesus for your Valentine's Sunday!

I'm no authority on the "why" of Valentine's Day; it actually seems to have a rather elusive history, from my understanding. However I did read an account similar to the one of Jacobus de Voragine's Golden Legend, which says that in AD 280 Roman Emperor Claudius (who, according to Wikipedia, can't be identified) refused to allow couples to marry in the hope that the men would agree to go off to war, but our St. Valentine put love before the emperor's decree and secretly preformed the marriages. He was discovered, my little reference says, and was ordered by the emperor to be beaten to death. It also says that St. Valentine left a note for the jailer's daughter, who he had befriended, and it was signed, "From your Valentine."

Not sure if any of that is true or accurate, but I thought it was quite interesting! I hope everyone has a delightful Valentine's day! ♥

the daily post, jesus

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