Jun 25, 2006 00:42
Best night ever.
But you know what really grinds my gears? They're handing out contracts to eliminate some hundreds of iguanas from an island so that it can be developed. Why? Why the fuck do we need to kill something that had rights to that space long before we did just to put up some buildings to house more tourists that will use them for three months out of the year. Meanwhile us Florida natives our out of more unadulterated coast because of this shit, and iguanas out of lives. That does not make sense. Neither does me going on this rant being a construction worker, but yanno what? I only really do remodel, I only fuck with the homes that are already built. I'm not displacing anything that hasn't been displaced. It doesn't make it right by any stretch but it makes it less wrong, like the Nazis that were just following orders I guess... Not that I have anything against Jews, even if I do question that the Holocaust was as bad as history books make it out to be... I've incriminated myself enough, I might lose my republican registration for this rant, but it must be said I feel.