welcome & promoting & affiliates

Jun 15, 2006 01:49

Welcome to henrycusick_ch!

This challenge community is a challenge community not like any other challenge community you have ever experienced (wow. say that five times fast). It will not only test you're iconning abilities but skills that may be hiding deep inside you, skills that are just waiting to come to the surface.

As you may have guessed this challenge is dedicated to Henry Ian Cusick, the brilliant and gorgeous, Scottish actor who is most famous for his role as Desmond on LOST.

Each week there will be two challenges, a challenge that involves Henry, as himself, and a challenge that will involve either a character he has portrayed, or something strange and unique (although still somehow connected to Henry). So join in on the fun &..

Before I post the first challenge, I would love to get at least twenty people to join. So if you know any good communities to promote in or if you would be so incredibly kind as to make an appeal to your friends list, that would be absolutely wonderful. You can either

a. copy and past the following statement or.
b. take this banner and promote as you please.
Hey Guys! I just joined this completely astounding and uniquely interesting icon challenge community! It's based on the hot Scot of LOST: Henry Ian Cusick! The Incredible Moderator () wants to get at least 20 people to join before posting a challenge, so get over to and http://www.livejournal.com/community/join.bml?comm=henrycusick_ch">join!!

Also, if you would like to affiliate with this community, comment here.

welcome, affiliates

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