Mar 03, 2008 23:31
So on Sunday, I got to do my first time on what was a real set. I have officially been filmed, and am being put into a short film. I found out what it was like to be an actor in a villain's role, or an actor period. What they do on takes, what the downtime is like in between, and how often you have to repeat any given scene. I was a little nervous the previous night after work, and I practically stayed up all I got two hours of sleep. I get up at 5:30 am, take the subway to Penn Station, and take the LIRR to Ronkonkoma station. I arrive around 7:30 ish.
I wait around for some time (around 10) in dunkin dougnuts, desperately trying to catch some Z's. I meet the first two members of the crew - Sheamus (He's asian, actually.) He's an aspiring comic book artist, and in school for it. He is also the 'scene set-up guy' ...and let me tell you -- the torture room? Fucking RIDICULOUS. When I walked in there, I thought I was in Silent fucking Hill. It didnt help that the farm was creepy anyways... oh god, the sandpit room was out of this WORLD. Shamus Sheamus.. asian dude guy, is also way better than me at art.. but he has a level to his art that I could aspire to. His style has many similarities with my own, even down to the base level where he builds his backgrounds and figures. I figure when I get to that level I will be quite happy...and it is a level that I believe I can reach in the near future as long as I keep practicing this time.
The other actors were awesome to be around. Everyone was really friendly, and I feel I was liked, especially with my open personality and joking nature. Personally, I feel my joking kept the seriousness of the scenes from getting to everyone, and allowed them to unwind between takes. Some of the scenes were some hard stuff to swallow. All in all..the movie will make one who watches it feel ...dirty. Dirty is the word.
Throwing a guy around like a ragdoll about 40 times is tiring, along with dragging, screaming, running, and carrying people. And generally being completely uneducated and sinister. I also had to wrestle the lead actress. A LOT. That scene had so many takes it was unreal. I'm glad we did the scene with the boyfriend first (he was heavier) because throwing her around was like playing with pillows. (Very nice, shapely pillows, actually XD)
I was happy to be complimented upon my acting abilities, especially for it being the first time on the set. Brian is an incredibly talented director, and has a great eye for detail. And I must say, of the takes I watched, the film will be incredibly well put together. My only down comment about it is the final scene, where I think I dropped the ball a bit with the acting intensity. It may have also been that Tyler (boyfriend character, name is Gary - he's actually a SAG union'd actor that has a lot of filmtime under his belt) was literally dying from hypothermia that my concern was beginning to rub though. All in all, I gave it my all.
The filming with my parts took all the way til 1am.. and I finally got home at 5am. I wanted to sleep all friggin' day.. but I had to get up for work for 3pm and man, was I sore.
It was a good experience, When this is done and I get to see it at the film festival.. I'm going to be incredibly pleased. I hope this reflects well on future acting endeavors.. and I'm invited to be in more projects with such heavy parts. (It was a lot of lines and action for my first feature!) -- I still have one more scene to shoot, but that can be done soon.