A far away place

Feb 14, 2007 15:35

An endlessly raging torrent cascades over the brink of a slick rock face and pounds noisily into the deep pool at its base, many feet below. A fine spray of mist drifts away from the turmoil, clouding, curling into desperately clutching fingers, then dissipating. It's a breathtaking scene, epitomizing the true power and beauty of nature. It could be Earth. However, the gloriously pink water and the bright yellow cliffs suggest otherwise.

A little further downstream, late afternoon sunlight slants through a forested backdrop, glinting off the now-sluggish river, and dappling a grassy bank where Moon and Indy sit.

"Gorgeous," Indy remarks.

"You don't do half-measures when it comes to perfect picnic spots, do ya?"
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