Copied from a friend's entry

Jul 31, 2006 05:54

Gibson, aged 50, was pulled over for speeding at 3:10 a.m. on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, California. The Oscar-winning "Braveheart" star and director was driving 80 mph when he was caught by a radar trap, sheriff's deputies said. The speed limit in that area is 45 mph to 55 mph.

He had .12 % alcohol in his blood, according to the breathalyzer test given on the spot. Mel also failed the standard sobriety tests. In California the maximum amount of alcohol in one’s blood has to be less than .08% for people over 21, given they can prove they’re still sober.

Apparently, he went on a rampage against Jews, whom he thinks are responsible “for all the wars in the world.” Gibson also cursed and reportedly said “f****** Jews” and asked the deputy who pulled him over whether he was a Jew. Next he said "You motherf****r. I'm going to f*** you," threatening to flex his celebrity muscles to get back at the officer.

The star also harassed a female officer on the scene, telling her: "What do you think you're looking at, sugar t**s?"
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