Jan 07, 2006 13:30
so its been a little while since i've updated, so here goes. not a whole lot has happened. i had a great new years! i got to spend time with my babe, so it was definitely fun. other than that i havent done much, besides spend as much time with him as i can. i've also been spending time with Kenlynn again, which is nice. i frekin luv that girl!! LA VIE BOHEME!! omg good times... what would i do without her!?
right now i'm just laying in bed. i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. that was not fun to say the least. i was knocked out during it so i dont remember much, and i dont even remember the drive home cuz of the anesthesia. and when i got home my mom tried getting me to eat so i could take my pain meds but i coudnt eat b/c i was so nauseous cuz of the anesthesia. so i didnt eat and just took the medicine and fell asleep. luckily i'm not gettin sick of the pain meds like i did last time i took them. the last time i had to take percocet i got sooooo sick. ew. not happening this time as much, so thats good i guess. but i'm really bored being stuck at home so i'm hoping someone will come by and maybe watch a movie with me or something. any takers?
i go back to school on tuesday and i start on wednesday. yay? uh, no... i dont wanna go back. lol. i'm gonna be down there for three days then come right back. i have tickets to a concert next friday up here, so i gotta go! its a going away party like thing for Larry Mac from 98 kupd and shallowpoint will be performing, so everyone should go cuz shallowpoint is amazing! and no i'm not just saying that cuz its my bro's band (i didnt really like his old ones as much, but these guys are just AWESOME!) so lemme know if u wanna go and i'll see about getting ya tickets ($5).
thats it for now, i'm going to go back to sleep. later!