Jun 02, 2005 10:47
i got back yesterday from the honors orientation at U of A. i'm really excited to be going there in august. i got there on monday for early check-in and was pretty bored. kelsey (my room mate for orientation) and i ended up walking around the campus til around 10. we got sooo lost. it was fun. i was an idiot and was all excited that they had real grass. not that dry itchy crap we have here, but real, nice, green grass. and a shit load of trees. i loooovvvveeee the campus! lol. well, orientation was pretty hectic and i must say that i am thoroughly exhausted, mentally and physically. lol. well it was all pretty good i guess and i got a crap load of information, which i guess is good considering i was there from monday til wednesday. 2 days of orientation....
i got my schedule set up, but i will be changing it throughout the summer. on thursdays i only have one class and its not til 2. lol. right now im in comparitive religions, the structure of mind and behavior, honors chemistry, spanish, and plane trigonometry. i like all of my classes so far, but im not supposed to be in trig! originally they had me in accelerated college algebra, then moved me to trig. they're both the same level, but waaay below what i should be in. i guess one of my credits from rio doesnt transfer quite right so im missing one semester of trig. but i have credit for a higher class that does transfer, but they still wont let me in honors calculus 1, which is where i should be. so i have to go back sometime this summer to take a stupid test to prove that i know basic trig, algebra and basic calc so that i can go into calculus. its soooo pointless and a waste of time. lol. but w/e it will get fixed. i'm also hoping to add orchestra into my schedule, but if i dont it wont be a big deal. if i dont do that i might add english for the fun of it. i dont need it cuz those credits did transfer over and i only need two semesters for my major. oh, which i officially declared on tuesday. molecular and cellular biology! eeeee i'm sooooo excited. i met with my advisors and they were telling us the requirements for our major and the sorts of things we'll be doing and i cannot wait!
well thats enough for now. i have stuff i need to do.
today is two months with jack. :-) lol, sorry... random.