things you might not have known

Jul 26, 2005 19:29

I hate wearing shorts, even in the summer. I adore pants and skirts. I hate unpainted nails. And I'm scared of long nails, I think they are really really gross. I sing along when I hear songs I know. Even though my voice is bad, even if i'm in someone else's car. I think too much. And I over analyze people's actions. My first impressions are usually right... my thoughts don't change about a person after I get to know them. I have to layer shirts. For some reason, i feel weird just wearing one. I love flats. I think they are adorable, and I have 5 or 6 pairs. I never wear tennis shoes around. The closest thing I get to a tennis shoe are my converse. I think that sweat pants and athletic shorts were made for working out, and shouldn't be worn otherwise. I'm not scared of dying.... I'm scared that my friends will. I like people alot. Especially people I don't know. When I have nothing else to do, I go into Boston and watch people. I love junky magazines. (teen people, cosmo girl, seventeen, ect). I think that music was meant to be felt.. therefore, it should be played super loud. I hate sitting in the back seat because I like to see what's coming on the road. Naptime shouldn't stop after kindergarden. If anything, high schoolers need naptime more. I've read myself to sleep every night since I learned to read, but I hate reading books that are assigned. I love change. I like always guessing what's coming next. I don't like when people talk during movies. No matter what the movie is. (Even the educational ones in school). My room is always slightly messy. Even after I clean it. I function better when my clothes aren't in drawers. I play a lot of intruments. But I only ever practice one. I am the master procrastinator, and I always hate myself for it. I love fall. It's my favorite season. I have that seasonal depression thing. Winter makes me hate everything. My mother wouldn't let me choose the sheets for my bed. I have 2 snakes, names Cornski and Nutso. And my cat, Moo, only has three legs. I hate dogs and horses. I'm super scared of horses. I knit. I quit soccer in middle school because I hated the coach a lot. But the coach was my friend's dad, so I never told my parents why I quit. I run. and I like it. But my dad wants me to try harder. I could be faster, I just don't care enough. My dad jokes about him wanting me to join the Marines, but I know that he is serious. My brother is leaving on Sunday to be in the United States Marine Corps, and I've never been more scared in my life. I always get in trouble when I'm home, so I try not to hang around the house. No one knows about the first time I got drunk and high, except for the people who were there that night. I don't know any of the people that were there. My parents trust me alot. I could do a lot better in school if I didn't always procrastinate. I'm jealous that my sister lives in New York. I can't wait for college. The only music stand I have is red. I have 2 crushes now. People only know about one. (is it weird i have 2?) I check people's profiles alot. I think it says alot about them. I hate the word crunk. I cheated on you. Only 2 people know. The person I cheated with, and one of my current crushes. I'm sorry. I had a great time at prom, even if my date didn't. I'm sorry about that too. Even if I could go back, I wouldn't fix my mistakes. I really wish I was good at drawing. But I'm absolutly horrible. I have a small statue of Gene Simmons (singer of Kiss) on my window sill, and I've never listened to Kiss before. I like putting my MP3 player on random. That way I don't always listen to one artist, or one album. I don't understand girls who where an insane amount of make up every day. I want to know what they look like without all the make up. I made out with my german exchange student, and haven't told anyone until now. (it was so awkward after , that we basically didn't talk for the rest of the time he was here) I mow the lawn with no shoes on. ( I have a tractor lawn mower) I don't believe in abortion. I hate politics, but I hate Bush even more. I sleep in underwear and a tank top all year round. I would be happy if some one read this whole thing. :)
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