iTunes Shuffle Game

Apr 05, 2012 21:59

1. How does the world see me? Crossing the Line (Default)
* Pretty bad ass guys.

2. Will I have a happy life? Angel (Sarah McLachlan)
* This song makes me cry. This song makes everyone who says "D'Aww" at an animal cry really.

3. What do my friends really think of me? Anthem of Our Dying Day (Story of the Year)
* Emo? I'm surprised I still have this considering how much my music tastes have changed.

4. Do people secretly lust after me? Under Your Tree (Sonata Arctica)
* Hum. Colton? Chris? I don't know this song. Is this apt?

5. How can I make myself happy? Detonator (Ash)
* I do like this album.

6. What should I do with my life? Poor Fool, He Makes me Laugh/Il Muto (from Phantom of the Opera)
* Sad face. Either on my behalf or Chris', but sad face.

7. Will I ever have children? The Hell Song (Sum 41)
* Heh. Yeah. This one likes to break bottles.

8. What is some good advice for me? Kiss on the Mouth (Our Lady Peace)
* Thank you oh shuffle gods of infinite wisdom.

9. How will I be remembered? Just Push Play (Aerosmith)
* Question 15 I guess.

10. What is my signature dancing song? She Sells Sanctuary (The Cult)
* This is my signature on the highway/road trip song. And I really only arm dance in cars. Apt.

11. What do I think my current theme song is? Sexuality (K.D. Lang)
* Huh. Why not?

12. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag (from Chicago)
* **dancing**

13. What song will play at my funeral? Walkie Talkie Man (Steriogram)

14. What type of women/men do I like? Hurts So Good (John Cougar Mellencamp)
* Heh. Jokes.

15. What is my day going to be like? Daylight (Coldplay)
* But it's already night time. There's a big bright full moon out there. That's when the crazies come out though y'know. Heard from a doctor.

16. Will I ever have love again? Within You Without You (The Beatles)
* With our love we could save the world.

17. What type of sex life do I have? Roses (Outkast)
* Miiiighty fiiiiine.

18. What song would be the title of my own porno movie? Blind (Lifehouse)
* Uhm... yeah?

random blog is random, luna, ponies, itunes, the game, apt, nonsense, music, shuffle

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