failure due to video gaming

Aug 06, 2010 00:30

So I made it to day 3 before failing. Oh wells.

The reason I failed? Some hard core gaming. Let's start from the beginning though (a very good place to start).

On Tuesday it was Chris' little brother's birthday, and he (Chris) had an exam in the morning and then another two days after for which he had to study for immediately afterward (due to the calendar week of hell (5 exams; 7 days)) so he had resigned himself to simply calling, and then giving his brother a gift at the second summer edition of HvZ. His mom and dad in a surprise move decided to come down and pick him up and then bring him back down for studying first thing in the morning. So around 2, we headed downtown so Chris' sister could grab a gift for the birthday boy, and managed to find the video games that we were in search of.
Up in Duncan, the Gensey family and I went to the Dog House (A family restaurant) even though the birthday boy's choice was Lee's (a fried chicken place). Afterward no one was baked, but there was cake. And Tim got the new xbox for his birthday, instantly solving the "which child keeps this xbox this time" question. Then it was to sleep, for we had a 5am wake up call the next morning.

And there in is where my blog fail comes from. We got to the cluster around 7, and managed to sleep for a few hours before Chris dove back into study land. I however, began playing Soul Calibur IV and didn't stop for most of the day. I stopped around dinner time and took a couple of breaks throughout but yeah. It was around 10 or 11 when I stopped, and it was largely due to Chris was also done studying for the day so it was an instant bed time. Also, an instant blog fail. My bad.

Today I slept in while Chris wrote another exam, and then headed down to my grandparents. We went to the mall, and my grandpa got some clothes for the cruise the two of them are going on at the end of the month and my grandma just wanted to go shopping in general is seems [which is the way I always do things too]. And then it was back up to Cluster for dinner with Chris and some video games for me and more studying in hell for Chris.

Tomorrow Chris has another exam, and I have some rage to place upon Dead Rising and it's lack of a sound saving system. And some time to spend with my grandparents. And now, I should head to sleep so Chris can get a good night's sleep before study time before the exam. Hell.

The game.

tim, the game, chris, video games, failing at blogging, birthday, travelling

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