May 19, 2010 23:29

Are any of you bored with my blog posts?

Too bad.
I'm bored with what I'm posting about. So we'll just have to suffer together.

Because yes, it was yet again another day of packing. Another day of being annoyed and stressed all day. Thank god there are only a few more days of this; I can find something else to bitch about... Like for instance sarcasm and text not mixing all that well.

Anyone reading this knows as well as I do that this move was long in the workings, but in moments of extreme annoyance and stress I can't help but wonder why the hell my mom thought we could back up 10 years of accumulated things into one truck in 3 weeks. Sure, she's been planning this move loosely for ages. But we never started packing, we never thinned down things to make it easier for the day we knew more about really moving and could easily pick up everything and go. If anything, this intense bubble of stress in my house is just proof that I was right in my first assertion about not moving until September, even if I do understand why that date changed. I think I'd find this a lot easier if I could just pull the self centered teenager, "how can you make me do this, you're ruining my life, I hate you I hate you I hate you god you're so uncool! *angst*" But y'know, I'm all mature and rational and chose this way and have no one to blame but myself. Arrrggghh. (<-- The most annoyed onomatopoeia I know.)
I can at least take solace in the fact that all this chaos would be happening if I were staying here or not, I can beat myself up about choosing to visit Alberta once I'm there -_-...

I've realized another factor to my procrastinating. I think I always wanted to just throw my random shit into boxes and not worry about whether or not I need to get rid of any of it, but I felt bad about doing it when I might have had time to go through it all. It seems feasible, it's procrastination, pack rat-ing, and laziness wrapped into one. But anyways, that's what I'm doing now. I'd say 40% of my room is done, and of that, 25% of my stuff is packed. The percentages don't make sense because I've brought sooo much stuff out of my room, but not very much has been uncovered. But I do have a wall that I haven't seen since we painted my room when I was like... 12?

I'm going back to throwing stuff into boxes now, I doubt I'll sleep. My mom's going to pick John up in Nanaimo when he gets off of a bus early tomorrow afternoon, if I swing it right I can sleep when they get back. Apparently she's trying to finish her room so John can lay down when he gets back, so I figure the house will be quiet anyways... Truth is, I went outside today briefly and spent the entire time squinting and trying not to fall asleep. I think the sun actually makes me a little sleepy now... but who knows, I've been so busy I'm probably just actually tired. Or y'know from my habit of doing most of my work from 11pm-3am and still being woken up at 9am. So I'll do what has become customary with all-nighters, I will have a shower; straighten my hair and go to sleep for unknown hours. Assuming I can get to my bed at that point.

ugh... I need a chiropractor, a hot yoga session, a nice shower, and then to sleep for 3 days.

the game.

john, teen angst, nocturnal, the game, procrastination, sleep, slob, lazy, boring, strange customs, all-nighter, stressed, packing, tired

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