You can ring my bell, ring my bell

Nov 11, 2009 12:29

So I was right in my prediction of not being able to post while I was in Victoria.  For some reason while I'm on wireless the rich text option doesn't load and I don't feel like writing it all out in HTML [read, don't want to learn HTML].

This weekend was good, I brought down Rock Band instruments so that we could actually play the disks I had brought down last weekend. I forgot the microphone and hub though [oops] so we had to improvise using a headset. It's on my to-bring-next-time list for sure though. So most of Friday we played Rock Band in the lounge, making amusing rock stars and band names. Soccertees is a big black guitar player with a giant fluorescent afro, and my hero [next to Tom of course].

Saturday we vegged out, Chris and I played Rock Band just the two of us during the day and then headed over to Sanderson to play with Naomi during her in-night before heading back to Wilson so Karen could get a turn as well. I got Emilie to help me evolve two of my pokemon, so now I'm at 448 pokemon in my pokedex. Once I have leaf green or fire red I should have most everything, and I didn't resort to getting friggin' Action Replay like some people...

Sunday Chris, Will and I had a downtown adventure, exploring every nerdy outlet from Curious Comics to Cherry Bomb Toys. Then we headed to the Bay Centre, where I found the soap I love so I'm totally going to buy it next week. Then we headed over to Hillside so I could get some new shoes, since I've been wearing the pair Chris bought me for a year and a bit now, so they're quite worn out.

Then it was a rush back to campus so we could photocopy all the posters for CON-CLAVE! I'm getting so excited for that :) Because it'll be get to Vic, hang out for a little bit and go to help with Con-Clave, and then whatever I find to do during the first block of Con-clave. All of Saturday is Con-clave, and the SUNDAY is my 19th Birthday and the last day of Con-Clave! I figure we'll get some sort of dinner and then play some more games after Con-Clave, to celebrate only having a year left before the Adult Fairy comes and gets me. And of course, celebrating my birthday means that Chris' is just around the corner :)

Sunday night Chris and I played some Gears of War while his residents and Karen made a fort in the lounge, they went and watched Holy Grail but I didn't join them until it was over. Still wanting to watch more movies, I brought out Kill Bill Vol. 1 to watch. Chris and I had spicy noodle soups and soon enough it was off to bed.

On Monday my mom came down to get Chris and I so that Chris could visit his family somewhat during Reading Break, and we made a stop at my grandparents since my Grandpa's birthday was Tuesday. My grandma made dessert waffles, and we had a lot fun with family craziness and what not haha. After we got Chris home, my mom and I went to pick up my text books and then it was straight home. I had to study my Philosophy text for the re-test that I thought was on Tuesday, and I didn't get anything done at all. I downloaded Spore instead haha. But I got to class and found out that the professor moved the test to Thursday.

Psychology was all about neurons and biology stuff, quite dull. I'm definitely not continuing with Psychology, it's just not my cup of tea. I'm going to look into either a minor, or a certificate program or something that I can add to the side of my writing degree, in case I can't find a job at a Publishing Company and what not. Of course right now it's just all about getting back to UVic.

Today I woke up so I could watch the Remembrance Day ceremonies, and now I'm writing my blog. I have a muffin, it is chocolate-y. Riveting no? I've got English tonight, I'm not sure what we're doing since it was the "in-class" essay last week, I think we're supposed to have a draft of our Research Essay for Ian to go over, but everything is so loosely set I haven't a clue... EDIT: It's Remembrance Day, I don't have class. Good thing I remembered that now eh?
I think I'll make a smoothie and look up buddhist opinions on life's journey, and psychological opinions on "the hero's quest" and of course, Ash Ketchum.

The game.

smoothie, pokemon, muffin, video games, essays, rock band, uvic, malaspina, travelling, spore

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