Few and Far Between

Nov 04, 2009 21:32

I'm really trying my best, but I tend to forget without my to do list but I got my window writers so I'll be able to get that back up and running.

This morning my mom woke me up and told me that my money from my student loan had come in so we had a lot of running around to do, she thought I had class in the afternoon rather than the evening but I'm not particularly upset since my tuition got paid off. I'm finally completely paid off for the semester! Woo hoo! No more worrying about getting kicked out of school for that. I went to buy my text books as well, and I told my mom that I'd try and get Dannie's Psychology text book so I wouldn't buy it today. So of course, I went into the book store and the only book of mine they had was the psychology book. The rest of the books have already been sent back to Nanaimo... -_-
So they'll send me back the ones I need sometime next week, so I'll use them for a whopping 3 weeks! Woohoo! It's not like I really need them, I've been fine so far. But I figure if the Student Loan people gave me an estimate for text books, and professors probably expect me to have them haha.

After placing a request for my books we headed over to London Drugs so I could pick up my electronic Dictionary and Thesaurus! Yeah I'm that nerdy! It corrects spelling and has word games on it, so I spent most of my afternoon playing hangman. A bobolink is a bird, bet you didn't know that. So I did that while trying to force myself to read my English book about souls and whatnot because I had my midterm in English tonight. It was an "in-class" essay, which at Malaspina seems to mean hand in an essay and we won't have class. We were allowed to have as many notes as we wanted, so the majority of the class had a completed essay and merely stapled it into the exam booklet and left. If I lose marks about my structure, or flow of points I'll probably argue that I'm one of few who did a real in-class essay. I had a pen, a dictionary and thesaurus, the book we were to write about and nothing more. I don't think my essay was too too bad as far as grading goes, of course I'm rarely happy with my essays. Oh, but my Research Essay that is the "big" essay for the year, I've decided on my topic I think. I'm going to look at journeys of life, searching for purpose in religion and other aspect, and comparing it to becoming a Pokemon Master.

But anyways, I came back at like 8 and made some food, and vegged out on tv. Realized I hadn't updated in a long time, and felt like being the better blogger than Naomi or Mike. I'm gonna keep cleaning my room at the pace of a turtle while watching tv, hopefully I'll get my mirror up and running as my new check list homestead.

Tomorrow I should get my Philosophy test back, the second one I did without having the text book in case you're counting. Making 35% of my grade [at least] done without having the text book haha, so I've got that and cleaning to do. Oh and my Psychology midterm, really ought to get going on that.

I'm also downloading faster than I can clean up my hard drive to make space... more on that tomorrow though.

The game.

Here comes the yum-yum train, right into the station.
Toot Toot! Yum-yum Express coming through!
Toot toot! Next stop tummy land!

Oh no! The bridge is closed!
Full reverse engines, slam on the brakes!  
Come on, women and Children First!
Oh dear god! It looks like the tracks are coming to an end!
Everyone on board lurches forward, the impact throws people through windows.
Arms hanging from the luggage rack, children’s face trampled in the panic!
The guy in the bathroom breaks his neck and passes out in his own filth.
People demand to know WHY! Why would God allow something like this to happen?
Oh the humanity!

nerdy, money, pokemon, shopping, malaspina, robot chicken, failing at blogging

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