Larva Cure, random photo, Edward Veland. Face ups.

Oct 29, 2011 03:36

face up Carina, Iple from me to my best friend.

before repaint.

AFTER repaint. She so sexy!

She has 10 mm eyecoltd frisco eyes ♥

Her name is Adele or Titania. She play the drums on Larva Cure and de Saint is Orión the singer.  : ) They are a great fiction doll band! 

Adele : )

Orion and Adele. 
soon te rest: Puck and the guitar, an Arvid from Iple.
Puck will be a punk sinister dollshe bernard 

Dolls of my lovely friend and mine. 
Barón Tristán Veland (spinel). mine
Emily Veland, mother's Tristán (discontinued souldoll agnetha) . Sicotic owner, one of my best friend. 
Dimitri Füller, (migidoll miho) mine
Orión and Titania, owner Jesús/Nocturnal-whisper on DoA. Carina and Dollshe Saint

Tristán Veland, mu firt and love soom spinel doll. 
he reapint be my soon... wish me good look, please!

He is Dimitri, a sweet ginger writer of XIX century : ) 
I love monique gold. Yes, yes, yes...

Orion La Llave. : )

Orion, the mistery boy and the explosive Titania! 
The glass was hand made by my best friend  Jesús, the owner of this saint (I have other and I love him so much) and Carina's

Tristán Veland Again.

Sexy Titania! the Drum girl!

Usually the stay on here. : )

I really like dolls... I'm a sick little freak collector.

Albert, my saint.

This is Edward Veland, uncle's Tristan. This is a very very bad person. 
But I love the bernard mold! I waiting for he 7 month from de firt event on dollshecraft.

larva cure

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