Jul 12, 2007 22:11
The Academy of Art and Design has declared bankruptcy?! DDD8
It's no surprise. According to an article in the 24 Heures Montreal newspaper: my alma mater, the Academy of Art and Design, AKA the International Academy of Design and Technology, went out of business. The management has closed down the school in the past few days. Students were furious and felt "fooled" or "conned". Apparently, for the past several semesters, there were courses that were merged, while others were simply dropped. Something "fishy" was going on, students felt. (I felt it too.) Then one day, the management decided that the school was going to close down, and they had to hide the news from the students. They told professors to "hide to truth" by telling students to take a week of "vacation" while the school was being moved to a more spacious location "near Jean-Talon metro".
With the course drop deadline passed and the tuition fees all paid and non-refundable, what a better timing for the higher-ups to close down the school, eh? Money in their pockets, no more classes to offer, students in the dark and in debt, some of them up to $11,000 (like me!!! >_<). What's going on with management? Some things weren't going well, that's why some professors left the school back then, such as Jim H., my Photoshop teacher.
I forgot to bring a copy of the newspaper home, so that's all I can remember for now.
The question is: How am I going to get my diploma from them?? I was planning to save $4,000 to finish up my last semester without taking a student loan (which I'm paying back right now, at $300+ per month). The semester would cost $3,800, and the extra $200 would be for contingencies.