Title: Love Love Love
Pairing(s): Kyuhyun/Ryeowook and more...
Ratings: PG-13 for now
Genre: Romance, comedy
Summary: What if the 26 year old Kyuhyun has to tutor the 15 year old Ryeowook? What if he falls in love? But of course love can over come everything, even the age diffrence...right? Oh and let's not forget the older brother HeeChul with slight brother complex, the so called best friend SiWon and the lovely ex-boyfriend Sungmin.
Chapter I
"I said no."
"But I really need your help, I swear I'd go myself, but Kangin really needs me and I can't - " Leeteuk prunted his lips, when he saw that his dear dongsaeng was shaking his head and totally ignoring him.
"Cho Kyuhyun, you will go to HeeChul's place and you will tutor HeeChul's brother. That's it the end of discussion." Kyuhyun glared at him and started saying something, but Leeteuk beat him to it.
"Kyuhyun, can't you help me just this once. I'm begging you, is it really so hard to tutor him for one week? While I'm away?" Leeteuk changed his strict voice to a desperate and pleading one, showing Kyuhyun his best puppy eyes, which usually only worked on Kangin, but this time it seemed to work on Kyuhyun as well. The younger of the two stared at Leeteuk for the longest time, before finally sighing heavily and nodding.
"Fine, only this one week." He said and resumed reading whatever he was reading on his computer, before Leeteuk distracted him.
"Aww, thank you, thank you, thank you. I owe you big time." Leeteuk smiled and hugged his dongseang. Kyuhyun almost choked, because he had just taked a sip of his morning coffee.
"Let go of me. I. Can't. Breath."
"Oh, sorry." Leeteuk apologized and let go of Kyuhyun, leaving the younger man coughing and rubbing his neck.
"But since you agreed we need to talk about a few things first. You do remember HeeChul, right?"
Kyuhyun flinched, when remembering the time he had visited Leeteuk without telling that he was coming. It came out that Leeteuk was gone on some trip and that HeeChul -Leeteuk's classmate from middle school- was keeping an eye on Leeteuk's apartment. And it seemed that Leeteuk forgot to mention HeeChul about Kyuhyun having the key to his apartment. Kyuhyun was mistaken for a thief. He ended up in police. Yup he did remember HeeChul.
Well it's not like what HeeChul did was wrong, but still he could've at least listened to what Kyuhyun was talking. Ever since then they just didn't get along, especially since Kyuhyun had called HeeChul an ugly bitch.
"Yeah, I do." Leeteuk chuckled, well of course Kyu would remember.
"Well I think you should know that he's a bit protective about his brother, Ryeowook is his only living relative afterall, so be careful of what you say or do." Kyuhyun nodded.
"But well Ryeowook is nice, just like an angel. He and Sungmin are pretty similar." Kyuhyun flinched again, rememberig his ex-boyfriend...Sungmin. Boy he was glad it was over.
"Just Wookie is more innocent."
"Yeah, his nickname, just like your Kyu. Ah, but I don't recommend you to call him like that. You know HeeChul..." Leeteuk trailed off. Kyuhyun made a face and nodded, taking another sip of his coffee.
"And everything else...I think you'll manage. He needs you to help him with maths, chemistry and geography. He's an aristctic kid, just like you." Kyuhyun almost choked on his coffee, hearing the three subjects that he managed to fail in his school years.
"Hyung!" He shouted. " Are you kidding me?!" He exclaimed. Leeteuk eyed his with his eyes innocently wide, but then he smiled and patted Kyu's head.
"You'll manage." and then Leeteuk left, leaving only an address, name with age and time.
Kim RyeoWook
He's 16, be nice to him.
everyday 4pm-7pm, he'll have his exams in the next three weeks, so you must prepare him. Good luck, Kyu hwaiting :)
Kyuhyun wanted to cry.
Now here he was, waiting for someone to open the door, so he could tutor the kid. He afterall hadn't spent 3 previous days studying the three most hated subjects of his for nothing. It would've probably seemed weird, seeing a 26 years old guy, staring intently into books meant for high schoold kids. But in the end he managed it, he had remembered some of the stuff and re-learned everything else. He now hoped it was enough.
Suddenly the door opened and another man was standing at the door frame, his eyebrows raised.
"Yes? May I help you?" The man asked. In Kyuhyun's opinion the guy seemed funny as he was wearing a pink apron and fluffy slippers.
When Kyuhyun didn't say anything and only stared motionlessly at the man, the guy's eyes widened and he broke into a warm smile.
"Ah, you must be Kyuhyun-sshi. Come in, come in Ryeowook-ah is waiting for you." He said, the smile never leaving his face as he backed away, inviting Kyuhyun in.
"When Kyuhyun was finally in, he took in everything he saw in the apartment, which was quite neat and spacious. He turned back to the man, who handed him some slippers.
"My name is Hangeng, or maybe Hankyung would be easier? Anyway I'm HeeChul's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Kyuhyun smiled back and nodded.
"Cho Kyuhyun, nice to meet you too." Hangen smiled.
"But HeeChul won't be back until later so if you need anything, you can ask me." He smiled again, but then he turned away from Kyuhyun and shouted.
"Ryeowook! He's here!" Hangeng bowed and gestured towards the kitchen, Kyuhyun assumed at least.
"He'll come right away, I shall go and make the dinner." Kyuhyun nodded and Hangeng left. After some time, a young boy came into the room. Kyuhyun was staring at the opposite direction, so he didn't see the boy at first. Ryeowook had to cough akwardly to get Kyuhyun's attention. When the older man turned around, he couldn't hep but to stare.
There, in front of his stood the most beautiful person Kyuhyun had ever seen. Even though the boy was still young, he looked so mature. The dark brown, short hair framing Ryeowook's stunningly beautiful face. Those high cheek bones jutting out and those dark brown eyes glowing so brightly. And then those oh so lucious, pink lips, which looked oh so tempting. Not to mention the porcelain skin of the boy, which Kyuhyun felt the urge to touch.
Kyuhyun's lips went dry.
"Umm, Kyuhyun - shhi?" The boy asked, raising his eyebrows. Kyuhyun kicked himself mentally and shook his head lightly, forcing himself out of those not so decent thoughts he was thinking. This boy was the cause of his troubles in the first place, plus he was only like 16.
He smiled quickly so that he wouldnt look like a staring weirdo, but it came out like a smirk anyways.
"Hello Ryeowook-ah, I'm Kyuhyun. It's nice to meet you."
Ryeowook responded with a smile and a nod.
"My room is there, shall we?" He asked and Kyuhun nodded.
They went to Ryeowook's room and the boy went straight to his school bag, while Kyuhyun looked around in the boy's small, but neat room. There was a bed, a table, a cupboard and a closet. On the walls were some wallpapers, but only a few. It made Kyuhyun frown, when he recognized SNSD on one of the posters.
"Umm, Kyuhyun-shhi?" Kyuhyun turned swiftly around and smiled.
"Drop the shhi, you can call me just Kyuhyun." For a second Ryeowook looked lost, but then he gave Kyuhyun one of his dazzling smiles and nodded. Ryeowook took some stuff from his bag and sat behind the table, laying all the stuff and books on the his desk
"Teukkie-hyung always sat here-" he motioned to the chair next to his. Kyuhyun got the drift and he sat beside the boy as well. The older of the two expected it to be akward at first, but as time went by they got along just fine. Ryeowook studied by himself, Kyuhyun watching that he wouldn't make any mistakes and when the boy needed help, Kyu of course helped. The two hours passed quickly.
When it was only an hour left, Ryeowook streched himself, his shirt raiding up a few inches and of course Kyhyun noticed it.
"Wow, Kyuhyun...-ah you're really smart. It would take me alot longer to understand those things with Teukkie - hyung. Are you a teacher or something?" He asked and beamed a smile to Kyuhyun, who chuckled and shook his head.
"No. I'm actually..." he trailed off, not wanting to admit his not so impressive job.
"Yes? What, please tell me. I wanna know." Kyuhyun shrugged and sighed.
"I'm working in one company, my dad's company." Ryeowook widened his eyes.
"Wait, Cho Kyuhyun...I've heard that name before, not just from Teukkie-hyung...ah yes, you're the son of that man? Yeah, Cho corp. Wow, but that's really impressive."
"Not really, nothing intersting sitting behind a desk for hours. I'd prefer to sing." Now Ryeowook's eyes started glowing with happiness. He broke into his dazzling smile, making Kyuhyun wonder if Ryeowook's mouth didn't hurt after smiling so much.
"You like to sing?" The boy asked and Kyuhyun nodded, chuckling.
"Me too, I love to sing and compose. I actually want to be a siger in the future. Wouldn't that be awesome."
Ryeowook said dreamily and Kyuhyun couldn't help but to laugh. He enjoyed Ryeowook's company and it seemed that Ryeowook liked Kyuhyun's as well.
They started talking about music, how the started liking it and so on. And in the end Ryeowook somehow managed to make Kyuhyun sing. At first Kyuhyun didn't want to, but once he started he couln't stop.
Ryeowook closed his eyes and listened. He had really never heard something so beautiful and so soothing. Kyuhyun was made for it. His voice and even his expression when he sang was so out of this world. Ryeowook was simply amazed.
When Kyuhyun finished, Ryeowook clapped.
"Wow, that was beautiful. You would've been an awesome singer." If this would've been anyone else, saying those words, Kyuhyun would've scoffed , but it was Ryeowook, and he didn't mind Ryeowook saying that.
"Now your turn." The smile slipped from Ryeowook's face as he shook his head.
"No, no. No way." He said and his tone and face were so serious that Kyuhyun just left it at that, though he would've wanted to hear the boys voice. But Ryeowook really felt that he could not compete with Kyuhyun.
Since they were already distracted, they decided to stop studying for the day and just chatted.
Ryeowook was laughing over something, when HeeChul stormed in, glaring at Kyuyun, who scowled at the man.
"Why hello Kyuhyun-sshi." He uttered. Kyuhyun gave him a forced smile and nodded.
HeeChul glared at him, noticing how Kyuhyun sat a bit too close to his dear brother and Ryeowook's way to happy expression. His eyes narrowed, but he forced a smile.
"Well it seems that it's time to go now Kyuhyun-sshi. " Kyuhyun ckecked the time, and stood up from his chair, when he saw that it was indeed time to go.
HeeChul was waiting for the whole time, tapping his leg impatiently, when Kyuhyun gave final tips to Ryeowook befire he finally left. But not before giving Ryeowook his handsome smile.
"See you, Ryeowook." Ryeowook nodded and waved, ignoring HeeChul's glare.
When the apartent's door was finally shut(by a very annoyed Heechul), Kyuhyun showed his middle finger towards the door, but unfortunately he chose the moment when Heechul decided open the door again.
"... "
"You forgot your phone..."
"Thank you"
Well fuck.
it's like 3 am T.T I apologize for the wrong spelling/grammar and the failness of this all. And I'm aware I should write my other fics, not start new ones T.T but I couldn't help myself. <---wrote this 2 two months ago xD I really dunno if I'll continue it, since i dont like how it came out, ugh I fail so much at writing T.T dang Ryeowook was NOT supposed to come out so frail...