Mar 19, 2010 19:46
re: last post
'why do i feel like i'm blissfully unaware or something right now?'
Alfie got back together with Tasha, and didn't tell me.
I'm just a little bit psychic sometimes.
I might be in denial, but I really don't feel like I care...poor her, to be honest. Her boyfriend cheated on her, never told her, then got back together with her, then told me he loves me.
Fuck that.
I don't need that kind drama.
Also, I got into Oxford Brookes - woo!
Heading there for Uni in september.
I wonder if anybody from PA goes/will be going there...
woah, i just remembered i had this really weird dream last night
i was at college
and i went to the vending machine and bought fuckloads of food to b/p on
and i was going to the loos to do it
and alice called after me
and i ran off
and her and pooey chased me into the toilets
where they tried to force open the door
and then it went all quiet...
and then when i opened the door to check
sian and viera were there
and then i did it, and i came out and sian went 'you'll never get it ALL out.'
now i feel iffy about alice, pooey, sian and viera
if i am psychic, im steering clear of those people.