Aug 11, 2004 12:09
Hey a bit hung over...well alot hung over so bear with me
Woke up at nicoles house yesrterday...went home showered and shit then went back to nicoles...stef and dave came by and we chilled 4 like 20 min then i had to go to work...went home then went to work...worked from 3-6 and made bout 15 bucks in on a day i work 12-5 i got only 17 but i work 3 hours and i get....nvm lol
Well got home and sean foulds and corbs was here we chilled 4 a bit waiting 4 the beers to get cold and gordon to get ready 4 us (gordon is vodka 4 all u ppl... its the brand) well the matt nicole and stef came by and me and matt talked ot gordon 4 the first time that night....and it was his father...not the little baby gordon the other night it was his ya lol
Stef left and we all just drank... me and matt tacked gordon and fould sean and corbs hit up the beers...
Well give it like and and matt r partying with gordon...i never seen matt soo drunk...well of what i cood c guess i did um crazy shit lol...idk but man.... i love gordon
Well i woke up today spinning and i sed to myself...gordon u crazy bastard ur fun but u r hard to beat lol
MANNNN i was sooo hungover woke up had to drive nicole home..what was fun came back and layed down..cuz i cood not c...went back to sleep 4 bout 2 more hours and now im beter then be4...i was gonna call out of work too but i think im ok to go in...
Well today is just woprk from 3-6 then idk lol prob chilling
more pics on tthe site..chekc them out
I Love You Nicole