Aug 24, 2008 18:14
So, I have a cat (Raki) and she had sex with her brother and got pregnant. This was her first litter mind you. She then lost the babys.. well I felt around her stomach and could still feel something, so we were going to take her to the vet to figure out what was up with that.. And then guess what happened!
We came home Last night and we had just finished having sex when she started to be all cuddly. It was really weird! She's normally a stand-off-ish kind of gal, you know? And I started to sweat. And that's when I knew something was wrong. Ya See, I don't sweat.. the only time I do is when something is going to happen, be it bad or good. so, I knew something was going to happen. And then she started pushing. At this point, if she had still had any babies left in there she would still be about 2 to 3 weeks premature in delivering them. But I saw something peeking out again. I thought, 'oh, Great, another still-born' and before it even came out the sack that surrounds the baby popped!
So here Me and MD are, goo coming out of the poor cat's vagina, and the head of the kitten that's stuck in there is trying to come out, but her body doesn't want to let it out. And that's when I noticed that something was up with it. The kitten was still alive. It started to thrash about and breath but her body was smothering it. So we had to help her push and get the kitten out. So about half an hour later(even though it seemed like forever) She finally pushed out the Placenta.
That's when the crazyer stuff happened. Well, let me explain. You know how the cats eat the after-birth so that the vitamins and stuff go back to the kittens? Well she drug that off and ignored her kitten and when she was done eating it she tried to eat the kitten that we were doing our best to clean off. (this was at about Midnight by the way for those of you interested.)
Anyway, after we flew to Walmart to get anything to help this kitten (We found Kitten milk and nursing bottles) we got it to eat a bit and then snuggled down against a heating pad. Then I stayed up until forever (almost 8 in the morning) trying to get Raki to accept this kitten. Which she does now.. The only problem is She's not really producing enough milk.
I went to the pet store today to get better replacer milk, but they told me that if momma cat isn't producing enough milk, or isn't producing milk at all, then she won't. The replacer milk can said that if I fed about 2 table spoons of the milk to her that she'd start producing it better.. my question is.. if any one has any advice on how to help out with this problem, please comment! Its hard enough to get it to suck on the bottle. Its all about sucking on its mommy.. but She just doesn't have the juice. So please, any help...
(also, if you know what my marm's cat face looks like.. it looks exactly like him! ^_^ So cute!)
crazy stuff,