I belong to a group of blogs brought together in an online community called the
New Animism. The New Animism is essentially, in my view anyways, an effort to create rapprochement, from the French word rapprocher: "to bring together", a re-establishment of cordial relations, between the old gut-level Paleo-thought we all have as kids that everything
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Comments 6
I think the "New Animism" has much more in common with "Religious Naturalism" than it does with "Old Animism":
And by the way, Buddhism IS in a sense atheistic...or perhaps more accurately, nontheistic:
"When you talk to a Glacier as a Person, but that the Personhood is an expression as an element of a larger relational (monistic) system, and in effect you are self-talking-to-self with the Glacier as an external system, that sounds like what I am hearing the New Animism is all about."
I certainly don't think that personhood is an expression of the larger relational system, in as much as personhood defines individuality... I think it is an expression of the causal feedback of the system that is the person... which, while admittedly can only exist within the context of the larger relational system, involves as much unique identity as I myself would lay claim to. So I do not regard it as self-talking-to-self, it is definitely one communicating with other just as I would regard communication between you and me, whether mediated by airwaves or in this case, electrons
Adam (animystic.org.uk)
My deepest model is the family. Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters. So that's the model I use when thinking of the world. Kinship between people. Very simple in a good sense, while others would call it "simplistic" in a not so good way perhaps.
In your response, you speak of "causal feedback of the system," "airwaves," and "electrons." It sounds to me like your deepest model is scientific rationalism. This is the same system people use when they speak of "energy" etc.
People talk a lot about the conflict between religion and magic...but the real victor was scientific rationalism over both. Even now, when we speak of magic or belief, to be acceptable to our modern rationalist minds, it must be amenable to scientific belief structures and explanatory patterns.
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