My first New Years resolution is to get healthier...I will be 49 in 2009, and for men, 50 is a real tipping point. Like that gospel song goes, "One day at a time, sweet Jesus..."
Secondly, time does slip by and I am knocking on the door of 50 years old. That means 10 years, 20 years if I am lucky, to make some kind of mark before I shuffle off this mortal coil. One of the things I am doing in this hegira is to reconnect with family and re-assess, as Gauguin has it:
"Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?" (Hegira: Def. 1: A flight to escape danger.)
So certain dreams I now put away, so that I may focus on accomplishing others, and put my remaining energy and life into those... an important part of growing old gracefully is letting go...
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