Waiting for Snow

Jan 08, 2013 10:00

Mostly cloudy, 36/28 F. Rel. Humidity 52%. W 17 mph. Visibility 10 mi. Sunrise 8:11 am, sunset 4:59 pm

Not too cold, waiting. One of those still times, where the remaining snow is distorted with weeks of melted tracks and dirty smudges and remnant patches of ice on the roadsides. Waiting. The cedar waxwings still come in a flock at lunchtime to whir back and forth between street-ash and the two old junipers, eating the berries, and then whirring back to the ash, where the seeds in the droppings pepper the sidewalk. Cold, waiting. Snow to come soon. Thursday? Friday? How much, I don't know, but snow, to clean up this smudgy landscape.


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