Elk Killed in Iowa

Feb 16, 2011 09:02

Elk were most certainly native to Iowa, from ancient times. We of the Ioway (Iowa) Tribe called the Elk, "Huma" (HOO-mah). The Elk Clan was one of our sacred clans that made up the Ioway tribe, the original people of Iowa, for whom the state of Iowa was named. In the Clan Legends, the Elk Clan was the Keeper of the Sacred Fire. Archaeological sites are full of bones from elk that the people hunted for food. Elk antlers were used for hide scrapers from ancient times. The Elk belongs in Iowa; it is native as much as is the Buffalo, Wild Turkey, Whitetail Deer or the Black Bear.

The Iowa DNR is afraid of the potential a small group of elk living in northeast Iowa had, for -possibly- carrying wasting disease. They thought the elk must have escaped from some game farm, and thus under their laws, such elk would be treated like livestock. There was no proof these elk had escaped from any game farm. In fact, there is at least one case reported of wild elk from Montana that made their way on their own to Missouri.

There was no sign of the disease in these Iowa elk, no proof they carried it. But the Iowa DNR determined it would kill this small group, out of fear, this week. See the story at: http://www.kwwl.com/Global/story.asp?S=14009873

Today it has been reported by a local man that the Iowa DNR has killed the elk of NE Iowa in secret last night, spotlighting them at night like poachers.

This culture learns nothing from history. We all know it is true. It happens over and over again. We shoot ourselves in our foot...and not even with a different bullet...we shoot ourselves with the same bullet, pick it out of our foot, reload the cartridge, and aim at our foot and discharge the same bullet, over and over, like mindless automatons.

Look at Afghanistan, where Alexander the Great cut down forests. There are no forests there now. Look at the mounds of the earliest Sumerian cities in Iraq, now utter desolation. The rich delta of the Mississippi is now known as "cancer alley." Where are the passenger pigeons that once cracked the limbs of oaks with their weight? Where are the cod that impeded the progress of ships? Gone.

As Chief Seattle is credited for saying, "What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth."

native american, elk, iowa, collapse

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