As expected, while Teresa and I were in Oklahoma, someone cut a couple of holes in the fence. The holes got repaired on Tuesday. That was the same day I had to shoo a goatherd and his four goats from the land.
Also while we were gone, the folding chair I had set out under some trees was stolen. As that was my favorite vantage point for trying to intercept trespassers, I am heartily annoyed.
The camouflage on the camera has worked perfectly, until one guy and his family spotted it while trespassing. They didn't touch the camera, but they did examine it at close range. Thus far, they are the only people to have spotted it.
Teresa's surgery date was finally set today. Naturally, the first date was on her daughter's wedding day, the 29th. She got an alternative date that works better.
I used to complain that we constantly found evidence of trespass, even had photos of the trespassers, but I could never actually intercept them. This seems to be changing. I found two young trespassers who had gone to a formerly popular party spot and escorted them from the property a bit over a week ago. Thanks to the new DVR, I have video of that one.
We still have the one guy who apparently hunts snakes coming in, but I doubt I can catch him unless I'm willing to put out another chair and sit in it from about 05:00; he usually prowls the land between 05:30 and 06:30, coming back about an hour later.
I was utterly shocked, then later I laughed, the first few times my stalker accused me of stalking him. I thought it was a madness unique to him. After reading many stories
like this one, I'm beginning to see that stalkers accusing their victims of stalking THEM is actually rather commonplace. I still don't know what prompts them to do it: is it a cynical ploy to muddy the waters for investigators? Or is it some peculiar part and parcel of the mental illness that makes them stalkers in the first place? Whatever it is, it's not unique to OMS.