Title: You're A Million Ways To Be Cruel (1/2)
Rating: Hard R for this (?)(NC-17 next/last for sure)
Spoilers: None
Warning: Shamelessly copying 500 Days of Summer: This is not a love story. Also, slight Kurt/Sam. (In case that's a warning, too.) In Part 1 - language, infidelity, dark!Kurt, and sexual situations.
Word Count: 2, 127
Summary: After Kurt went back to McKinley, he suddenly gets two boys to balance: Sam to protect him and hang off his every whim, and Blaine for all sexual favors. All goes well for the male soprano until Blaine transfers to McKinley to surprise Kurt and then finds all this out.
A/N: Title comes from the OK GO song "
A Million Ways."
This was prompted by my ngaf about the spoilers. (And when I say ngaf, I mean caring too much, but to distract myself, I wrote this!) So here is fic!
At the end of February, Kurt and Blaine had sex for the first time.
The only way Kurt managed to have this happen was to get Blaine extremely drunk.
The morning after, Kurt pretended that he had not wanted it, and he told Blaine that he had forced him.
Blaine spent three weeks apologizing and doing anything he could to make up for his terrible behavior.
At the end of March, money had dried up, and Kurt had to transfer back to McKinley.
Blaine missed him every day.
Kurt, well, didn't.
"Are you sure you got all that? Here, let me help," Sam offered, reaching for Kurt's light stack of books, smiling over at the shorter boy.
Ever since he came back to McKinley, Sam had been his knight in shining armor. All the other boys did their job at making sure nobody messed with him, but Sam went above and beyond. Kurt liked that.
"Thanks, Sam," Kurt smiled back, "After last week when Karofsky's buddies threw me in the dumpster as a welcome back reception my shoulder has been hurting like crazy."
Sam frowned, "Really? Do you want me to take a look at it, Kurt?"
Kurt shook his head, forcing a smile, "Oh, no! It'll be fine in a couple days. I just bruise easy." At this, he flashed Sam a seductive smile.
Not really good at picking up on sexual advancements, however, Sam just started feeling worse for Kurt.
"Well, hey, during lunch, I'll give you a killer back massage. I'm really good at the walking-on-the-back thing," he told him, pulling a goofy smile when Kurt looked horrified at the idea of Sam squishing Kurt's insides with his feet.
"Or I could just... do the normal kind."
Kurt gracefully accepted the invitation.
A week later, overcome by grief and loneliness, Blaine told his father that he had to transfer someplace else to finish high school. He had an aunt near Lima that he could live with, and to win the debate, Blaine told his father that he had been getting unwanted sexual advancements from a senior boy, which was messing up his study habits. Obviously, no one would believe Blaine's accusation, therefore to save his grades, he should transfer somewhere else. When his father asked where, he knew just the place.
Figgins office was dusty and smelled weird, but all this didn't really matter to Blaine, because in a few minutes he would be able to go surprise Kurt in the hallways and be with him until the end of time.
Kurt would be so happy to see Blaine!
It was perfect.
Nothing would be able to separate them from now on.
"I don't know, Figgy, this kid belongs back in the 1940's. What's up with the hair, kid? Did Schuester put you up to this?"
Blaine laughed, smiling pleasantly at what he presumed to be McKinley's cheer-leading coach. "No, ma'am, this is just how I had to wear it at my old school, and I--"
"Well, listen, buddy, you're not at your old school anymore." Sue glared disapprovingly. "This is your new prison, and I'm the warden. I expect to see a crap-free environment on your scalp by tomorrow morning. Now, get out. I'm getting sick just by the look of it."
Blaine's eyes widened, and he turned to Figgins who just shrugged cowardly, suggesting Blaine could leave the room now.
"Uhh, alright, well, thank you! No gel tomorrow! I promise, ma'am!"
Though things didn't go so well in the principals office with Sue, Blaine felt a lot happier walking down the halls of McKinley. Already he knew at exactly which drinking fountains he'd lean up to kiss Kurt and happily they could walk down the hallways hand and hand. This was such a good idea to transfer.
Kurt had told Blaine before that his locker was right by the choir room, so using a map of McKinley, he managed to find his way over to the section of lockers without having to ruin his surprise by texting Kurt for directions.
Right when he turned the corner, Blaine's grin grew even wider when he finally saw Kurt standing by his locker. However, it quickly faltered when he saw something he wasn't sure he quite approved of.
Kurt's hand was pressed hard against Sam's shoulder as he struggled to get his fashion boot on. Though Blaine would regularly have no problem with that, he couldn't help but notice the interesting look in the blond-boy's eyes.
It was a look of caring and attraction, and Blaine, just, no. Only he should look at Kurt in that way.
He put on his best charming smile, however, and headed over to Kurt's locker.
Kurt was already facing his head in Blaine's direction, so when he saw him, he did not have time to secure his facial expression as the emotion he would have intended to display. "Oh my god! Blaine!" Kurt said looking worried, but understandably, also very confused.
Blaine rushed over to him, accidentally bumping into Sam a little, and hugged Kurt as tightly as he could. Kurt caught his breath after Blaine let go, quickly looking at Sam before he looked back at Blaine. "Wait, I don't--Why are you here? Not that I'm not thrilled, but..."
Sam stood there awkwardly, not sure if he should leave or wait to take Kurt to class.
After Blaine quickly explained to Kurt about his transfer, a look of pure want flashed in Kurt's eyes, and he happily kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. "Glad you're here, babe. And do you like my new boots?"
Kurt turned his leg to show one of them off, "Sam was helping me get them on. I didn't want them to get ruined because of the snow."
Blaine laughed lightheartedly, realizing how much he missed this Kurt that was way more fashionable than he ever would be. Frankly, he loved that they were so opposite, sometimes. "Very good, then. Thanks for helping him, Sam," he smiled, now feeling almost genuinely pleasant towards Sam.
Sam shrugged awkward, "Oh, it's no problem. I've just been looking out for him is all. He doesn't need to take crap from Karofsky or any of those guys anymore."
He thanked Sam for looking out for Kurt, but now, Blaine thought, I can be his knight in shining armor once again!
"Oh, god, yes, Blaine, yes," Kurt moaned, tightening his grip on Blaine's hair.
Kurt was delightfully fucking Blaine's mouth, and even though Blaine wasn't really complaining, he was silently hoping for more romance before they did anything like this right away.
After his breathing relaxed, Kurt laid his head down on his pillow and told Blaine to hold him. "Thanks for that, baby," Kurt said sweetly, kissing Blaine's hand when he finally wrapped his arms around Kurt.
"I've just been so stressed about glee club and the bullying thing. It's so different here without you. I missed you."
Blaine's cheeks warmed happily at Kurt's mentioning of missing him, and so they laid there quietly for sometime as Blaine just gently stroked Kurt's arm, occasionally kissing him on the neck as lovingly as he felt.
Before Blaine had to leave, Kurt wanted to see how quickly he could get his way with him, in more ways than one. It couldn't be too hard, he thought.
"Hey, baby?" Kurt said innocently, hovering his fingers over Blaine's hand.
"Can we have a threesome with Sam this week?"
When Kurt didn't get the immediate reply he wanted, he turned around in Blaine's arms to face him. "What? You don't think he would?"
Blaine had no idea what to say. Was he joking? This was so confusing. "Kurt, are you being serious? And no, what? He's straight."
Kurt smiled and then resorted to playfully pouting, sticking his bottom lip out far. Blaine had the sudden urge to suck it in his mouth, but he was still so surprised by Kurt's request. Did he like Sam? And more importantly, more than he liked Blaine?
"But what if I could get him to? I think I can. He's awfully obedient. I could suck you off and he could fuck me, and it would be so much fun, right?"
Blaine, not wanting to get Kurt mad at him, slowly untangled his arms from him. "Well, uh, we'll see? I don't know, Kurt." Because I'm pretty sure if he were gay, he would have stolen you from me by now. Has he?
"But I better get going. School tomorrow, yeah?"
Kurt nodded calmly, sitting up in his bed. "Can I have a goodnight kiss then?"
Blaine slept that night feeling very uncertain of his relationship with Kurt. Would he cheat on him if Blaine said no to the threesome? Would he do it either way, regardless?
The only thing he had reassurance on was that, at least now, he was at the same school as Kurt again. Whatever troubled thoughts were going through Blaine's head, he was sure Kurt could kiss it all away. Kurt was magical like that, sometimes.
Smiling happily on the way to his locker, Blaine was randomly stopped by a good-looking blond girl that he recognized as one of New Directions' members.
"Blaine, hi, I'm Quinn. We've never met, but I know you're going out with Kurt. Nice job at Sectionals, by the way." She smiled nicely, but he could tell she didn't suddenly decide to introduce herself in the hallway for no reason.
"Oh, hello, Quinn! And thank you! You guys were phenomenal."
Quinn pulled him over to a pretty empty hallway, smiling at the fact that he was at her height level, maybe even slightly shorter. This seemingly adorable fact about Blaine just made her more upset, however, so she decided to get right to the point.
"So, I normally would say 'welcome to McKinley' and all that, but there are bigger problems at hand. I just wanted to let you know that ever since Sam and I broke things off two weeks ago, he's been spending an awful lot of time with Kurt. I know Sam says he's just 'protecting' him, but I think you and I both know, Blaine, something is definitely up."
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows as Quinn explained her convincing reasons, but Blaine still wasn't so sure. Kurt would never do that to him. He was a great boyfriend, and so was Kurt. He just needed Sam's help the last few weeks was all, and now Blaine could fill that spot back, too.
So why did "platonic" just not seem to work over well in his head?
Since Blaine still felt too guilty about leaving the Warblers, he decided to wait a week before joining New Directions.
He sat in the parking lot around 4PM, waiting for Kurt to be out of an after school glee club rehearsal he said he had. When it started nearing 4:30, however, Blaine thought maybe rehearsal was just running late; so he decided to go wait inside, choosing not to freeze outside in his car since it was still the end of a snowy March.
The school was empty besides the janitors and Ms. Sylvester yelling at the Cheerios through her megaphone in the gym. Blaine passed by the choir room and saw the lights were off in the classroom and the door was locked. Maybe Kurt was waiting upfront for him and his phone died so he couldn't call him?
He turned around and started walking back up towards the front of the school, only to be abruptly stopped a few classrooms down when he heard a moan. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, he backed away from the door of the classroom and just decided to eavesdrop for a minute. If it wasn't Kurt, he would leave and pretend he never thought otherwise.
And he was right, thankfully, it wasn't Kurt.
It was Sam.
"God, Sam, you're so hot. I love how toned and smooth your skin is. Love it. I think you should let me take you home with me now, don't you?"
Not being able to just barge into the room like an impulsive, pissed-off boyfriend would, Blaine leaned into the doorway as little as possible but enough to be able to confirm what he was hearing.
Kurt was sitting on top of the teacher's desk with Sam standing in front of him, rubbing Sam hard through his jeans, being the cause of the moan Blaine heard a minute before.
Blaine tore his eyes away from the scene and started walking in the opposite direction.
How was this happening? To him? How could Kurt be acting this way? Why? Blaine loved him.
It just seemed too cruel.
Part 2 ----
Comments/feedback are loved. :)