Title: Strangers (Ch.2/7)
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Warnings/Pairings: AU, Kurtbastian, dirty cyber talk, eventual sexy times, Klaine, cheating (depends what you consider it)
Word Count: 3,096/4,693 (so far)
From the GKM: Kurt and Sebastian start talking through an online chatroom, not realizing it's the other. They develop a friendship that starts to lead into more, at which point Kurt has to decide what to do with Blaine.
A/N: Everything is canon with Sebastian up until "Extraordinary Merry Christmas" (3x09), so no slushie crime and nothing to do with Karofsky. Basically, Kurt just has established that he dislikes Sebastian and thinks he wants Blaine. However, this is taking place after Regionals, so Kurt and Sebastian start talking sometime after Valentine's Day.
Chapter 1 It's a rather boring day at McKinley. The only thing that's even remotely interesting about glee rehearsal is that Joe keeps giving Quinn heart eyes, and she's still trying to keep herself guarded in an unsuccessful fashion. Kurt pretty much thinks that at this point, Quinn and Rachel need to date to build each other's self confidence up, Finn needs to stop leaving the lights on in the kitchen at night, and Mercedes should decide what to do about Sam before Kurt gets fed up with listening to her go back and forth on the subject.
Really, he's just getting sick of school and has senioritis. He's inflammed with boredom and anticipation to get accepted into NYADA, to leave Lima and the smell of small town drama. He could really benefit from his boyfriend relating to him right about now.
"Hey, you, want to come over and hang out before my dad gets home from work? As in, hang out in my room before Extreme Couponing comes on at four on TLC?"
Blaine looks at him like the idea of Kurt suggesting sex is confusing. How rude. Suddenly, Kurt tries to remember the last time they actually did anything. It was January 24th, because the boys thought that they'd try to have sex once every two weeks or whenever Kurt or Blaine's parents wouldn't be home for a night, but then Blaine got busy with studying and hanging out with the glee guys, and Kurt got busy trying to pretend he was busy.
Like what he's about to do right now.
Blaine's sigh is all Kurt needs to know Blaine's going to say he can't have an orgasm with Kurt today, but still, Blaine's polite enough to give him an excuse. "I'm sorry, Kurt. I really have to study for my chemistry test tonight, and the guys are all working out in the locker room right now and asked me to be there."
It's a shame that Kurt's wall isn't as high around Blaine as it used to be, so Blaine's easily able to see that this response is a disappointment. He makes up for it by grabbing Kurt's hand in the hallway and leaning his head on Kurt's shoulder, lifting his chin high enough so Kurt can hear what he has to say. "I know we haven't really been hanging out lately, but I promise you, I miss you, and my parents are going out to dinner Friday night, so how about you come over then?" He pulls back and stares at Kurt with a hopeful smile. It's kind of hard to be mad at that.
Kurt smiles and squeezes his hand lightly before letting go. "It's okay. Friday sounds great. Have fun with the guys. I've got some other stuff to do, anyway."
Not getting the true hug he was hoping for, Kurt persuades Mercedes and Rachel to go get coffee with him so he feels better. However, it's just another reminder that Blaine is too busy working out to have time for coffee dates anymore. No medium drip is added to his order anymore to compliment his grande nonfat mocha. Afterward, he goes home and does his homework, followed by an uneventful marathon of TLC and BRAVO until 9:50pm. Ten minutes until ten wouldn't make him unfashionably early, would it?
The Ohio Buddy List pops up and Kurt feels a tinge of disappointment when he sees that violinstud hasn't signed on yet. He opens up a new tab to check Facebook and his email, almost jumping when an IM box pops up.
violinstud(9:58pm): Hey, galaxy. I see you beat me here tonight. ;) Did we have a nice day?
Kurt smiles, purposely trying to ignore the excitement building up in his chest.
galaxyeyes315(9:58pm): Hello. :) My day was sadly very, very boring. How was yours?
violinstud(9:58pm): Fairly okay, but it's probably just cause it's easier to excite me. ;)
Kurt rolls his eyes.
galaxyeyes315(9:58pm): Yeah, probably. I guess that means it doesn't take too long to have you come down from excitement either, does it? :P
violinstud(9:59pm): Oh, look, he does like making sex jokes. Good to know. And no, that's far from true haha. I can go all night.
galaxyeyes315(9:59pm): No winky face after that comment? Wow, you must be serious business...
violinstud(10:00pm): For sure. ;)
violinstud(10:00pm): So, hey, I realized last night after you signed off that I don't have a name to call you by. I can easily stick with galaxy eyes, but I figure you might want a name sooner or later.
Luckily, Kurt did think about this ahead of time. He decided sometime between fourth and fifth period that he'd come up with a name that was close to his real one. That way, he doesn't have to feel like he's letting some potentially awesome guy really get to know him, because he doesn't have his real name, and therefore, he is definitely not cheating on Blaine emotionally or mentally. He's simply acting. And that way, Blaine will never hear from violinstud that Kurt's talking to him on the off chance that they have a choir competition and violinstud magically talks to Blaine about helping him find this magnificent "Kurt from New Directions" character. This plan is fool proof.
galaxyeyes315(10:01pm): Haha, yeah, I realized the same thing. Go us!
galaxyeyes315(10:01pm): For whenever you don't feel like calling me galaxy eyes, you may call me Kory. :) What about you, stud on the violin?
violinstud(10:02pm): Haha. I'll probably still call you galaxy eyes, sorry. ;)
violinstud(10:02pm): Spencer. and I'd feel better at this point if you call me that instead of my username, but never forget that I am a stud. ;) What school do you go to, Kory?
A million pairs of eyes, different skin tones, and wide and small smiles travel around his brain to try to form an idea of a Spencer in his head. Spencer--formerly 'violinstud'--is now a real person and not just a username. Kurt decides he has shaggy blonde hair, brown eyes, and a pale complexion like himself.
What school, you ask? Back to fool proof plan. It's not like Kurt will ever meet him in person to have to feel guilty about lying.
galaxyeyes315(10:03pm): West Lima High. And yourself?
violinstud(10:03pm): Oh cool, ever been to Scandals? And I'm from Northland.
Kurt's heart starts beating faster at the mention of Scandals. Sebastian had taken Kurt and Blaine there last year as an attempt to get in Blaine's pants, but luckily, Blaine was still riding enthusiastically on the Kurt train--before actually riding--and that plan failed. However, if Spencer has been to Scandals, then that's just an opportunity for him and Kurt to meet up, and at this point in the online friendship, Kurt isn't ready to meet up. He's not sure why, but it would just feel wrong. He'd have to explain this to Blaine, and somehow, it'd make him feel guilty for seeking out other male friendships that were slightly flirtatious. It's just fun right now.
galaxyeyes315(10:04pm): No, I haven't, actually. I've heard of it, but I'm not a fan of bars or clubs, and I don't have a fake ID.
violinstud((10:04pm): Oh, you should go sometime. Fakes are easy to get. Scandals isn't the greatest though, so you're not missing much. But whst do you do for fun then?
violinstud((10:04pm): what*
galaxyeyes315(10:05pm): I told you last night that I'm a singer, remember? But I'm also into fashion and I watch an unhealthy amount of food network television among others. What about you?
galaxyeyes315(10:08pm): Poke.
violinstud(10:08pm): Sorry, I'm just floored at how boring your life sounds. You remind me of this other guy I know.
galaxyeyes315(10:08pm): Is his name Awesome Interests? I know him, too.
violinstud(10:09pm): Lol. I'm going to compile a list of clubs you need to go to or you might turn into an old gay bachelor before you turn 20.
galaxyeyes315(10:09pm): Hey! No. Stop. I probably won't go to them anyway, not until I'm actually legal to. What's wrong with those interests? I've got big plans.
violinstud(10:09pm): Alright, alright. Sorry. :P I'm just playing around.
galaxyeyes315(10:10pm): What do you do that's so fun then?
violinstud(10:10pm): I go out, make friends, play lacrosse, and shake hands with awful business men that my father has over for dinner.
galaxyeyes315(10:11pm): Is he in the mafia? :P
violinstud(10:11pm): Haha no. Attorney. Just a regular asshole. He's not so bad when he's not in a suit, though.
violinstud(10:11pm): Got any asshole parents?
galaxyeyes315(10:12pm): No, sorry. :P My dad is really supportive and my step mom's practically a best friend. I know some asshole people that go to my school though if you want to talk about assholes some more?
violinstud(10:13pm): Hahahahhahah
galaxyeyes315(10:13pm): What? Did I miss something?
violinstud(10:13pm): No, I'm just perverted and immature. Hey, let's play a game. Wanna?
galaxyeyes315(10:14pm): ...I'm not sure?
violinstud(10:14pm): You're not making this easy for me. Come on, help a guy out.
galaxyeyes315(10:15pm): Lol. I don't know what you're trying to ask!
violinstud(10:15pm): Lol lol lol. Come on, Kory. What's a stud like me thinking about at this time of night?
galaxyeyes315(10:16pm): Hmm, if I had to guess? Your pet. If I had a pet, I'd be petting it right now most likely. Got any pets? Did I guess right?
violinstud(10:16pm): You suck. Yeah, I've got a dog.
galaxyeyes315(10:17pm): Awww! How cute. What's his or her name? :)
violinstud(10:17pm): I think you secretly want to talk about fun stuff with me.
galaxyeyes315(10:18pm): Of course I do, silly! Like your dog's name. :)
violinstud(10:18pm): ... Maxxie. And I am definitely not petting him right now. He's an annoying sonuvabitch. Like someone else right now.
galaxyeyes315(10:19pm): Oh, like who?????? :)
violinstud(10:19pm): I'm going to start my homework if you're going to be like this.
galaxyeyes315(10:20pm): Why just because i don't want to talk about sex? I don't know you, dude.
violinstud(10:20pm): That's how you get to know someone, Kory...
galaxyeyes315(10:20pm): You can also talk to them about other things, Spencer...
Kurt's afraid he's going to stop talking to him until a minute later.
violinstud(10:22pm): UC Berkeley or Stanford.
galaxyeyes315(10:22pm): Is that an either/or question?
violinstud(10:23pm): No, those are the two schools I'm considering for college. I just want to be on the west coast.
Kurt starts picturing a tall surfer guy when Spencer starts saying he just wants to be on the beach when he's not studying.
galaxyeyes315(10:24pm): Do you surf or anything?
violinstud(10:24pm): Haha a little. I'm more of a volleyball/sand castle guy though, tbh.
galaxyeyes315(10:24pm): Wow.
violinstud(10:25pm): What?
galaxyeyes315(10:25pm): I didn't think you did anything geeky except talk to strangers online, but sand castles? Really, Spence? That's so cute.
violinstud(10:26pm): I'm adorable.
For some reason, typing Spencer's name makes Kurt feel all fluttery on the inside.
...He means it makes Kory feel that way, of course.
galaxyeyes315(10:26pm): You are.
violinstud(10:28pm): How would you know? You don't know what I look like.
galaxyeyes315(10:28pm): You want to show me?
violinstud(10:29pm): Will you give me one back?
galaxyeyes315(10:29pm): Maybe later on this week. I don't want you stalking me or anything.
violinstud(10:30pm): Yeah, that's a good idea. Because I totally want to stalk you. You're a smart one.
galaxyeyes315(10:30pm): I know. ;)
violinstud(10:31pm): What do you look like then? Describe you to me. Right now, I've been picturing some 6'7" bear hunter that watches TLC, so...
galaxyeyes315(10:31pm): Lmao. Is that what you like? I'm sorry I've been misleading you! I'm just a pale white boy with wonderfully crafted brown hair and a great style to compliment his lean-esque physique. and 5' 10", even though I'd say height is unimportant.
Kurt's worried that after a few minutes he's said the wrong thing. Maybe Spencer really is into above and beyond average height.
violinstud(10:34pm): And galaxy eyes.
galaxyeyes315(10:34pm): Took you long enough. I thought I disappointed you.
violinstud(10:35pm): You? Never. How often is there a guy in Ohio that likes other guys and is in choir? Gosh.
violinstud(10:35pm): I'll take what I can get. ;)
galaxyeyes315(10:36pm): That is a joke, right? Because there's like hundreds.
violinstud(10:36pm): Yeah haha, I know.
galaxyeyes315(10:36pm): You know personally or...?
violinstud(10:37pm): 6'1", athletic build, green eyes, brown hair, and probably not as pale as you.
violinstud(10:37pm): And I know a few personally, yeah.
galaxyeyes315(10:38pm): May I ask you a question?
violinstud(10:38pm): Sure.
galaxyeyes315(10:38pm): If you honestly look like that, then why are you on here? Especially if you live in Columbus.
violinstud(10:39pm): I meet people on here if you must know.
galaxyeyes315(10:39pm): ...To sleep with?
Kurt's heart's pounding a lot faster than it was a few moments ago. He's not sure why he's letting himself get this worked up when Spencer doesn't even know his real name or where he goes to school.
violinstud(10:40pm): Not all the time, no. I've made a few decent friends across the state, even some girls to hang out with if I'm in the area. It's just fun, right?
violinstud(10:41pm): I mean, I'm surrounded by stuck up pricks all day, and even though I try to go out as much as I can, it's hard to sometimes.
violinstud(10:41pm): What about you? You don't sound so bad yourself. We're both probably attractive. Why are you here?
Yeah, why is Kurt here?
Blaine is ignoring me, Rachel and Finn are annoying, and I just feel alone.
galaxyeyes315(10:43pm): I wanted someone new to talk to.
violinstud(10:43pm): Wish granted.
galaxyeyes315(10:44pm): Hah yeah. Thanks. :)
violinstud(10:44pm): Are you sad? I think you're sad.
galaxyeyes315(10:45pm): Did you forget to tell me that you're specialized in telepathy?
violinstud(10:45pm): Yeah, that's my day job. But okay, hey, how about you work on not being sad, and I start working on my homework?
galaxyeyes315(10:46pm): Are we saying goodnight then?
violinstud(10:46pm): No. Will you stay on and keep me company?
galaxyeyes315(10:47pm): Of course. :)
Kurt leaves Spencer alone to do his homework while he re-checks Facebook and starts doodling some fashion sketches in his notebook. They talk every couple minutes, but every time Spencer tries to keep talking to him, Kurt shushes him away to finish his work.
violinstud(11:25pm): I bet your eyes are really pretty.
galaxyeyes315(11:27pm): I know that's supposed to be a compliment, and I am near blushing, but just so you know, talking about someone's eyes all the time is kind of creepy. :P
violinstud(11:28pm): Shut up! No it's not. You're the one who wants to talk about your eyes since they're all galaxy-like. It's your username.
galaxyeyes315(11:28pm): Shhh do your homework...
violinstud(11:29pm): ...
violinstud(11:29pm): but
galaxyeyes315(11:29pm): No. Go.
violinstud(11:30pm): you're mean.
galaxyeyes315(11:30pm): And tired.
violinstud(11:30pm): You're tired? It's not even midnight, dude.
galaxyeyes315(11:31pm): Yeah, but one of us doesn't go clubbing all the time. I finished my homework earlier like a good boy.
violinstud(11:31pm): Don't go. Who's supposed to distract me from finishing my things?
galaxyeyes315(11:32pm): Don't get distracted and go to bed early. Might make you feel better. :)
violinstud(11:33pm): No thanks.
galaxyeyes315(11:33pm): Well, I'm going to bed. Catch you tomorrow?
violinstud(11:34pm): No, wait! I can't tomorrow. I have glee club stuff. The guys need some extra work.
galaxyeyes315(11:34pm): Yeah, our guys need some extra work too ha. So what day would work for you?
violinstud(11:35pm): Sunday? I'll be home most of the day after 4.
galaxyeyes315(11:35pm): Aw okay. :( Yeah, I'll be free Sunday most likely. What time? Ten again?
violinstud(11:36pm): You mean our time? ;)
galaxyeyes315(11:36pm): Haha yeah, I guess that is. :)
violinstud(11:37pm): Talk to ya Sunday at 10, galaxy.
galaxyeyes315(11:37pm): Night, Spence. :)
violinstud(11:38pm): Lol night. ;)
violinstud has disconnected. [Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:38 pm]
Kurt sighs and signs out, shutting his laptop off as he lies down in his bed and lets the covers embrace him. He knows that he told Spencer he'd be going to bed right now, but as soon as his lamp goes off, he's left feeling restless in the dark without a keyboard to type on or anyone to text. Blaine told him a month ago that they shouldn't text after eleven, because Blaine needs to get proper sleep. What's Kurt supposed to do right now?
He knows right off the bat that he shouldn't be doing it, but his hand finds its way under his pajama bottoms when he starts thinking about a tall surfer guy that wants to be a lawyer. His hand wraps around his cock and he starts lightly stroking himself as he imagines intense green eyes staring back at him, on top of him, and grinding into him. Does Spencer really have green eyes? Kurt hopes he does. And the fact that he's taller is already a turn on that Kurt didn't know he had. His boyfriend is Blaine for christ's sake. Fuck.
Kurt bites his lip as his thoughts try to drift more to Blaine. Blaine and his strong arms, smooth skin, and strong thrusts. The only thing Kurt wishes they did more in bed was everything, because they haven't been. Every time they start getting really into it, Blaine slows down and tries to make it all about love and intimacy, not the desperate and slightly rough fucking that Kurt just wants one time. Just once. But Blaine will never do it. Never.
Maybe someone else would.
He starts stroking himself faster, imagining brown shaggy hair (he's going to continue thinking Spencer has floppy bangs until he's told otherwise, dammit) in his face as Spencer kisses down his jaw, down his neck, fingers working quickly to unbuckle pants and shove down boxers. Kurt's hips buck up when phrases like suck it, baby and you feel so good are whispered in his head by a voice he's never heard before, but it all feels like it could be real. Kurt's not even sure if he likes dirty talk--Blaine would never use it--but having it said safe and soundly in his head turns him on maybe more than it should.
Faster. Harder.
Kurt comes hard to the image of a tall athletic body thrusting into him, holding Kurt's legs up in the air with ease as he pounds hard until he collapses on top of him and has to pull out. Unlike Blaine and his overly adoring kisses, Kurt imagines Spencer would smirk and say it was fun, kissing him in a sweet way that said he knew it meant more to both of them, but he didn't have to show it. Kurt would just love that, just once.
Or maybe he could have that all the time.
Kurt sighs out his guilt and confusion into his pillow before cleaning himself off and lying back under his blankets. What's one online guy have that Kurt's loving boyfriend doesn't?
What's worse is what does Blaine have that this new friend doesn't? Kurt doesn't know yet. But he wants to.
Chapter 3 ----
Sexy cyber times soon, guys. Kurt needs to be eased into the idea, and he needs to get to know "Spencer" a little more before that. I thank you in advance for your patience. ♥ (Next update might not be until after the weekend, but I've already got a good head start on it. Just want to figure out the other chapters first.)