Title: Fortress of Our Own
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,216
Warnings: AU, Bleff!friendship
Summary: Blaine Anderson has his first play date with Jeff Galven when he is six years old on June 16th, 2000.
A/N: Inspired by princessparadox's request on Tumblr for pillow fort!Bleff.
From my Tumblr.
Fortress of Our Own )
Those were the only three I read. Got the update on Chazzam's 'The Source of Our Power' last Friday (?) and I've started reading that again from the beginning cuz it's been so long between updates I'm a bit lost. TSoOP is a Buffy/Glee crossover with Blaine as a slayer and Kurt's his watcher. Es ist sehr gut! ... hope I got the gender right!
Oh! I've started reading real books again. Do you know that ever since OS the only reading for pleasure I've done is Klaine fanfiction? I think I should be ashamed of that but that's not how I feel. *shrug* Yeah so I read The Hunger Games last month and recently started reading Catching Fire.
Hope your life is the good kind of eventful. Mine's been eventful-ish, but so far not in ways that take up my time - all kind of external so far. Take care! =)
Haha, well! Fic has some great authors, and it's way easier to find exactly what you want to read! Oh, that's awesome! Catching Fire was my favorite from that trilogy, I believe. Who's your favorite character thus far? :P
Eventful-ish isn't so shabby. I hope you find some things that are more your own events though, or at least find some nice time to relax. :)
Well things are eventful-ish in a bad way and it will be affecting me in the near future, it just hasn't hit me yet. So for now I'm just trying to enjoy it.
She's almost done writing it (5 of 6 chapters in so far). She updates weekly so I imagine the last chapter will be posted next week. It's an AU fantasy with nymph!Kurt and mage!Blaine.
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