It's funny to see all this Palestine propaganda as if it's actually a country, let alone one under so much "unreasonable oppression." I get sick hearing about how Israel is so terrible and poor, helpless little Gaza is just under the abuse of a "tyrannical Israel."
If Kevin Nash stood in front of you with a lead pipe, would you pick a fight with him
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Over what? A small strip of land that God promised both the Jews and Muslims?
Gaza and Palestine's persistant war with Israel is a perfect example
...of why religion is the biggest mistake the world ever made.
My point is that it's always, 100% Palestinian aggression that ignites the next round of violence. Jews have been persecuted as far back as documented history can tell; they're not going to attack another group of people for no reason. They know what it's like. It's always the goddamn muslims that think they need to rule everything, and they're bred from birth to hate Jews. Israelis are the ones under attack, but people criticize them when they fight back with this "free Palestine from Israeli tyranny" propaganda bullshit.
The fact war follows everywhere Islam goes is clue enough that it's not Israeli aggression or hatred that's keeping this feud going. It's Palestinian lies, indoctrination, propaganda & bullshit.
BUT just because Palestine's been starting everything doesn't mean that Israel hasn't been oppressing Palestine. There was no need to displace 800,000 Palestineans to create Israel, no need for Israel to force Palestinians to live in ghettos and no need for extended occupation of Palestine territories and moving in on Lebanon.
Its dirty business and both parties need to recognize the other's right to existance, but hate begets hate and neither side is especially helping problem.
There really isn't any solution other than diplomacy at this point, and serious diplomacy better show up soon before one side annihilates the other.
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