
Sep 09, 2005 00:55

That last brucesteele LJ entry was 37 comments long at last view. That's mighty impressive. It is Josh Rich like with the number of responses.

A lot of rappers can be thought of as ignorant and stupid, but I feel that this is far from the truth. These young men and women are products of their environment and their views express how their environment views society. However, Kanye West, by no means speaks for all of blacks in the country and that bash against Bush was his view alone. I can see why he said what he said because the recovery efforts down in the big easy were any thing but easy and they were rather slow. But as i've said before, we dont deal with Natural Disasters like this every year so we were unprepared. If this happened in FLorida then it might be a different story because Fl has a history of hurricane attacks and we have a better system of recovery. Louisiana hasnt been hit by a killer storm like that.

I don't believe Bush is a racist. He might not like Blacks as much as he does whites, but then again I'm not him so I can't say for sure. Condoleza (sp) Rice as his right hand woman IS NOT Affirmative Action. She worked hard for her job and she deserves it. It is hard as hell for a woman to be in that high of a government office, let alone a black woman, so I give Condy Rice a big Hacksaw Jim Duggan HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.

Do I like Prez Bush> NOPE. I still think he STOLE that 2000 election, but be that as it may he hasnt run the country into the ground either. Neither does he make all the decisions he does by himself. In order to shake up the political stanglehold the Dems and Reps have on the country we need to vote in Jesse Ventura in 2008. Or at least somebody who aint of the 2 major parties.

Enough of the Politics, cuz i'm not really a politics kind of guy.

-I havent seen this Ken Kennedy guy that bruce speaks of, but from what i've read he seems pretty cool. I think the next part of the gimmick is for him to do is own ring introduction with the mic that comes down from the ceiling

-I start teaching on Mons and Weds starting on Sept 12. It should be an adventure

-IPW Reunion should be fun. I wasnt a big part of IPW like Bruce rod, mikey, sullivan ,seal, cuban, etc, but I'll be proud to be a part of it next Sat. Hell will be unleashed

until next time
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