Liar Liar Pants on FIRE

Aug 02, 2005 00:46

Rafael Palmiero, my Cuban amigo. How in the hell do you get caught with Steroids in your system? Further more, how can you justify the pending perjury you have just committed. " I have never used steriods...PERIOD. Well, it looks like yo ass is thru. It's a shame you might have gotten into the hall of fame, but now it dont look so good for you. All you had to do was follow in McGwire's footstep and plead the Fiz-if. You also made yourself out to be a liar and Jose Canseco to be a TRUTH teller.

I'm not for taking Steroids. I personally don't think they are good for me, however, they can help you perform better and recover from injury faster. Is Palmiero a cheater? Yes and No. Yes he is a cheater because you are not supposed to be taking any type of illegal drug, which steroids are. No he's not a cheater because he has natural talent and with out the TALENT which he ALREADY POSSESSED, he wouldn't have 3000+ hits or 17 major league seasons.

Baseball needs to clean up their act. Drug test every man that steps on the diamond. If the man refuses then he is guilty and he is gonna be punished. Then once they are punished make them pay a hefty fine and complete drug awareness program. Then what Baseball needs to do next, is get these other guys that are using blow, mary jane, speed and are friggin alcoholics to clean up their act too.

Palmiero is guilty of trying to prolong his baseball career and enhance his game. He will most likely get another chance, hopefully. After all Darryl Strawberry, Dwight Gooden and Steve Howe got numerous chances and BLEW ALL OF THEM. While guys like Pete Rose and Raffy P, will most likely be banished from the game cuz of 1 screw up. Y'all let Pete in the Hall...his ass was sick, he had a problem. I bet none of y'all got problems either.

That's my story

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