Wicca - Fairy: You're sweet and caring but not in
that motherly way. You're the aloof one of the
scene, the Goth image is not exactly you but
its close enough. You have that gentle beauty
that makes people dream of you; perhaps its the
sad look in your eye as you watch our Earth get
raped. You are preoccupied with nature and
higher understandings than superficial
interests. This tends to lead people to believe
that you are an airhead, but you understand
that material possessions arent everything and
arguing about it is completely a waste of time.
You wear your long flowing skirts in black with
coloured accents like a sprite. Your motto is
"Worship the Goddess"
What is your style of Gothic Beauty? brought to you by
... I swear I've taken this one before.
At the risk of being unpopular (HO HO), I have an embarassing problem... you see, Metallica's Load has lodged itself in my CD player and I can't seem to get it out. =(