Mar 07, 2004 01:20
Barukh atah Adoni, Elohenu Melekh ha-olam, Da'yan Emet.
Blessed are You, O L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe,
who is a Righteous Judge.
My FIL, Melekh ben Sh'muel, Melvin Shaiken, passed away last noc at about 12:40am. It was peacefully, B"H.
The whole family is in mourning and shock. We are like dreamers.....
We are meeting with the funeral director Monday to finalize the details of interrment which will be in the Florida National Cemetery. It has hit us all hard, for numerous reasons. My task is to support my MIL, my hubby and my son all of whom are having a hard time each in their own way.
The good news is that the rabbi was able to minister to dad and he accepted Yeshua two days before his death. G-d willing, this will eventually clear the way for Mum to accept Him too. I am praying that this will also open the way for my son to grasp again the Tzitzit of Yeshua in his life.
My husband and Mum will be sitting shiva in Mum's home when we return from the interrment, probably Tuesday, until Friday at sunset as Shabbat cuts Shiva short.
Prayers for comfort and wisdom for all are appreciated.
Shavua Tov
Adiel bat Kelev