Tue, 19:32: RT @ NORML: Go to http://t.co/MbgIUedI - sort by popularity - find NatlNORMLs question - click the thumbs up. Make Obama answer on legali ...
Wed, 06:51: Totally unacceptable - President Obama’s YouTube Forum deems marijuana legalization questions “inappropriate” http://t.co/6xgoUQC6
Wed, 06:54: Further proof of medical use: Latest Science: Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoid Inhibits Colon Cancer Cell Proliferation http://t.co/g3pbHuPK
Wed, 06:55: It's been thunder-storming here since yesterday afternoon. I don't remember any thunderstorm lasting more than 12 hours before. >.>
Wed, 07:00: Pres. Obama, what is inappropriate about saving billions and not arresting nonviolent american citizens for marijuana? #WHChat @ WhiteHouse
Wed, 07:07: I'm really floored they deemed the marijuana question inappropriate. It was one of the highest rated questions. #WHChat#ObamaFail
Wed, 09:26: RT @ AdamHolisky: Lol. The IP of a guy defending "fag" as being okay because "I use it every day in the UK to mean cig" traces to Alabama.