Crappy week so far

Nov 02, 2006 03:34

Monday started as a pain. Kids were good but one thing after another just kept getting me. First I caught and ripped off a belt loop going into the ESDA center. When you only have three good pair of pants.....this sucks.

Next I went to school. That went OK. Then I went to school #2 (DeVry). My schedule had not posted. They say I am enrolled but call the help desk. After 4 calls and 2 emails I am told in the afternoon that my information did not get entered until 9am. WHAT!

Other crap happened but I do not remember enough so that is it for Monday.

My new girlfriend Laura called me on Monday night and hung up with me to put her son to sleep. She fell asleep herself. I went to bed at 1am figuring that she probably drifted off. SHe sends me an IM (I love you Yahoo!) at 3 am apologizing. I of course wake up and reply. She calls me and we talked until sometime after 4am when her phone died (possible Christmas gift). I went back to bed. Got up at 6am to go to Emily's and get the kids up and off to school.

Tuesday started slow. Lack of sleep had bothered my shooting baskets while working out. But I had energy pouring out of me from the conversation in the pre-dawn hours. I went to school next (DeVry). I get there early. I did my ONLINE class work and prepared for the class that night. I ate dinner at 3pm since I had not eaten anything since the day before (breakfast I think). After class was done I went home and logged in. Saw Laura was IDLE so I sent her a message or two and she never replied. So I figured she went to bed. I ate some soup. Watched some porn (just because I have a girlfriend does not me we are sleeping together) and went to bed at 1am again.

Wednesday began. I woke up at 6am to go get the kids ready. I looked. SHIT! Laura sent me a message at just before three asking if I was OK, why I didn't call her, etc. I slept through this one. I must have been so tired from the day before hat I never heard it go off. I am sorry honey. Well we talked on IM most of the day. Things going up and down. I filled out a quiz about her and flunked....badly. So I created one and posted it on Myspace. She got 4 of 7 the first time and 12 of 15 the second time. I guess men do not ask the right questions or when do not remember things. The night ended on a bad note: 
She said something like "I want to marry this guy I am in love with what should I do Doctor?" 
I said, "What did the Doctor say?" 
She replied something like, "He said keep him away and the heart will grow more for you." 
I said, "He was wrong."
She said, " Really"
I said, "absence makes the heart grow fonder. The love is already there. The time together makes the fire in the heart burn stronger. Abstenance drives one away. (I was kidding with the abstinance it was to be a play on absence. I know I fucked up once again via IM trying to convey a feeling.)
She said, "I guess if I drive him away I guess he wasn't meant for me"
Then she signed off after saying goodbye

This hole week I have had a bloody nose. I hope it is the weather. I am sick of cleaning up my own blood. Some have been really bad too.

Hopefully Thursday and Friday will be better. 

life and love

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