what i have to say:

Apr 19, 2003 16:53

everything is different.

no one ever really changes,
they just act differently.

...and it all is a conspiracy.

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Reason # 1,000,001 why EVERYONE should love Vertz (but rarely do) vertz April 20 2003, 19:53:54 UTC
(you funny north-american woman, makin me blush and shit...)

Well, I totally get you...I had kinda assumed it could be one of those moments of unreligious
And let me tell you why else I enjoyed your thesis-explanation of your entry(reply riposte):

1. I *SHOULD* be sick by now. I have been shut between 4 walls for the past 2 weeks, in a hazy, smoke filled environment, drinkin insane amounts of coffee and ocassional alcohol.
By all accounts, I shouldn't have nor lungs nor my liver by now.
But I'm not sick. SARS or no SARS.
Lucky me (Cute anime-style wink thumbs up)

2.not really awake nor (fully)unconcious: Yes. Zombie-state. Know it all too well; right now in "the Zone" as I type. shitty thing tho. My mind keeps coming up with these incredible, witty, creative rants...always when least expected/needed (much like taking-a-dump musings...ewww).
So I forgot.
Hence, you win. Because it's better to remember lame things to not remember at all.

End Transmission.

Vertigo_X, *a blight upon the world*

ps x 2: Heeey....shit...I hope you get better real quick, k?
Being sick sucks.
Sickness sucks so much...
(heheh..I'm ejoying the rhyme, waitamminit)
Sick fucks are sissies and suck

I'm gonna go to the corner and buy myself a life, hun,...


Re: Reason # 1,000,001 why EVERYONE should love Vertz (but rarely do) hemophiliacmel April 21 2003, 10:20:44 UTC
drinkin insane amounts of coffee and ocassional alcohol.

it should be more like," drinking insane amounts of alcohol and occasional coffee."

you are very amusing.
thanks for that.
and, i am sort of feeling better.
i think school and work make me feel like shit.
like i said, it's a conspiracy.
i hope you feel better as well.
being sick does suck.
your rhyming song owns.

also, buying a life from a corner never turns out well.
did you never see The Blair With Project?


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