TwO hOnKs | video

Jun 11, 2011 00:59

[oh hey looks its your favorite horrifying clown! Everyone remembers this harmless motherfucker right? Well, everything appears normal, except for the massive amount of horns he appears to be sitting in. They honk occasionally when he moves]

What the fuck up, my brothers and bitches, how the fuck you doin'?

Everyone be chill? Aight, cool. We can be ( Read more... )

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craaaaaaaazy8s June 11 2011, 05:53:02 UTC
Oh my godddddddd, are you seriously offering sopor slime to every8ody here?
It proooooooo8a8ly doesn't even have the same effect on humans.


hemocidal June 11 2011, 06:00:46 UTC
WeLl I gUeSs I dOn'T rEaLlY gOt MuCh ElSe :o(
Uh Oh ShIt
WhAt'S iT dO tO sTaR mOnKeYs?


craaaaaaaazy8s June 11 2011, 06:30:06 UTC
How should I know????????
It's not like I've fed it to any of them 8efore.
8uuuuuuuut, they are different from us. It might 8reak their delic8 thinkpans.


hemocidal June 11 2011, 13:47:13 UTC

OoOoH sHiT i DoN't ReAlLy WaNnA bE bReAkIn AnYtHiNg ElSe
YoU tHiNk ThEiR sPoNgEs CaN bE AlL hAnDlInG tHe WiCkEd ElIxIr?


craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 02:14:13 UTC
Pro8a8ly noooooooot. They're so delic8, it might kill them!
Do you really want to 8e responsi8le for the death of a 8uuuuuuuunch of humans????????


hemocidal June 12 2011, 03:48:52 UTC
No I dEfInItElY dOn'T wAnT tHaT wIcKeD bUsInEsS aLl Up In HeRe :o(
DoN't WaNnA hUrT eM nOnE
i LiKe ThEsE fUcKeRs ThEy Be ChIlL


craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 03:51:39 UTC
Yeeeeeeeep, especially considering what you almost did to us!
It would 8e pretty horri8le of you to go around hurting every8ody else.


hemocidal June 12 2011, 04:23:08 UTC
I dOn'T wAnNa HuRt NoBoDy AnYmOrE

YoU dOn'T gOt To FoRgIvE mE oR nOtHiNg
CaUsE yEaH tHaT sHiT wAs PrEtTy MuCh MoThErFuCkInG hOrRiBlE


craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 04:42:15 UTC
I neeeeeeeever said I was going to forgive you anyway.
8ecause of you, I lost my 8lood color and god tier for an earth month.
Aaaaaaaall to get you an unlimited supply of sopor slime.
You should 8e the most gr8ful.


hemocidal June 12 2011, 04:57:59 UTC
I'm SoRrY
i'M sOrRy
I'm SoRrY
i'M sOrRy
I'm SoRrY
i'M sOrRy
I'm SoRrY
i'M sOrRy

AnD i'M tHe MoSt GrAtEfUl MoThErFuCkEr YoU eVeR sEeN, vRiSkA
i'Ll MaKe ThAt ShIt Up To YoU i FuCkIn PrOmIsE


MY HEART craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 05:17:30 UTC
Noooooooormally, it would 8e endearing that you counted out 8 apologies just for me.
8ut I'll 8e w8ing to see the gr8 thing you do that makes everything you've done 8etter.
I reeeeeeeeally dou8t you can, though.


you mean that thing vriska doesnt have hemocidal June 12 2011, 05:28:35 UTC
I'lL dO wHaTeVeR yOU fUcKiNg WaNt
AnYtHiNg :o(


shut up she has one craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 05:42:47 UTC
Don't 8e dum8, Makara.
I can't teeeeeeeell you what to do to fix it. You have to figure it out and do it allllllll 8y yourself.


i dont think the ice cube thats in there really counts hemocidal June 12 2011, 05:52:22 UTC
YeAh I'm OnE sTuPiD mOtHeRfUcKeR
i'Ll FiGuRe It OuT tHoUgH
i'M sO mOtHeRfUcKiNg SoRrY
yOu SuRe ThErE aIn'T aNyThInG yOu NeEd ThOuGh?


are you discriminating against the kind of heart she has craaaaaaaazy8s June 12 2011, 06:00:31 UTC
Yeeeeeeeeah, it's too 8ad, 8ut you kind of are.
If you could get my god tier 8ack for me early, that'd 8e gr8. 8uuuuuuuut that's pro8a8ly one of the maaaaaaaany things you can't do for me.


i am neither discrimin8ing nor am i h8ing hemocidal June 13 2011, 05:22:15 UTC
OoOh MaN i Am AlL oVeR tHaT sHiT, sPiDeRtiTs!
ImMa Go GeT mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg ChAtShIt oN wItH tHeM gOdBrOs
GeT yOu FlUtTeRiN aNd AlL tHaT mIrAcUlOuS sPaRkLeYtIeR aGaIn BeFoRe YoU cAn Be DrOpPiN tHe WiCkEd WoRd! :o)


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