Robert and the Great Crossing

Jun 14, 2006 22:52

This is going to be the journal of my trip to the United States of America.
A few years ago, I spent a few weeks in England and kept a diary of most of what I did. Two years ago, I went to Hong Kong and kept a diary of my weeklong voyage.

Neither diary was transferred to digital form and therefore both are, most likely, lost to posterity.

Seeing as I had already opened this LiveJournal account (in order to respond to my sister's livejournal) I think I can put it to good use by writing the account of my time in the states it it.

Please note that as I assume non-family are going to be reading the at some point in time, I will be explaining a few things that may be obvious to most of the readers ;)

A few questions about the trip:
Why? Why am I going to America?
- I'm going to America to visit my second sister, Jade, and her family (my brother-in-law Rami, denephew Shvo and denice Libby). As a bonus, my younger sister Melody is also visiting them.
Of course, once I'm there... I'm going to live out a couple of lifelong dreams...

When? When am I going to America?
- I'm going to America WHILE Melody is there, AFTER the winter semester at university ends, BEFORE Jade comes to Israel for a visit in August and BEFORE my exams start in July. This leaves me about three weeks between June 16th and July 8th. As a bonus, the Space Shuttle Discovery is launching on July 1st and I will be able to see it. I'll be leaving for the airport around 8:30am BMT (Barron Mean Time) June 16th and arrive in Philly about 8pm the same day.
Return to Israel is 11am July 8th.

What? What am I going to be doing in America?
- Well, first of all, those who know me know that I like to be as flexible as possible with my decision making, (the unkind and incorrect would say that I simply don't decide) which means that I don't know quite yet.
The current plan is to spend the first weekend in Philly, go to Washington or New York during the week. No plans for the weekend of the 23rd yet. The next week will be in New York or Washington (whichever I wasn't in the previous week - Duh!). June 30th I'll take off for Kennedy Space Center. I've booked in the "Best Western Space Shuttle Inn" till the 5th and then head for Miami till the 7th, when I return to Israel.

How? How am I planning/booking/doing everything?
- Well, the Internet is amazing. I've booked the hotel, done most of my shopping and done what planning I have done all through the wonderful World Wide Web.
I'm even writing this diary entry online... something I thought I'd never be doing.

Tomorrow I've got the last day of work in the army for three weeks.
I wonder how things will have changed when I get back.
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