Catching up

Jun 20, 2006 15:52

It's been a  few days since my last update.
They've been nice, relaxing, holidaying with family type days.
I'm saving my energy for New York and Washington.

Sunday was a lazy day. We got up late and went for a walk to Jade and Melly's local coffee shop/bar... "Where everyone knows their name". Well, Everyone knows Melly's name at least; not all of the coffee tenders knows Jade name.
Next to the coffee place is a baby shop - No, you don't buy babies there, you buy things for babies.

While Jade and Melly were choosing a new bib for Libby, Shvo and I played in the corner of the shop. Shvo found a toy knight and one of the salespeople said "I wonder how that snuck in, we don't let military things in".
I wonder what he would have thought he he know I was a "military thing"!
The other odd thing that happened there was that they have a lending-library. Jade took out a book about baby care without registering anything. There's no time limit - they just trust total strangers to come in, take books and return them. How un-American ;)

We came home and went to the pool. The water was FREEZING - I think that's where I caught my cold :(
Shvo stayed on the steps, but Melly and I had a great time splashing and throwing a ball at each other.

In the evening we went out to a restaurant; while waiting for Rami, we took Shvo to a playground and... I think we interrupted a drug deal between three shady looking people.

The next day (yesterday) Melly, Rami, Shvo, Libby and I went to the Franklin Institute - a science museum. Shvo (obviously) was most in love with the train section. There is an exhibit where you get on a real train and it moves! About a meter in each direction...
We also went to the Planetarium (Harrison Ford narrated) which was very well done. Interesting, good effects, no mumbo-jumbo.
Outside of the museum was the science park - which was about 20 degrees hotter than the air conditioned interior.
They had the usual gimmicks and things you have in a science park - two parabolas with which you can hear each other from afar, games with balls, a sundial, etc...
Also, a full scale model of a Lunar Module - a precursor of what I expect to see in the Air&Space museum and at Cape Canaveral.

For Supper, we had a braii - kebabs and vegetables.

Today, the boys (Rami, Shvo and myself) went to Philadelphia Zoo.
Quite a nice zoo they have too.

The animals were all affected by the heat, except for the otters ;)
A sign of America - the Ice cream comes in two sizes - medium and large... hmmmm... whats missing?

I haven't uploaded pictures yet, mostly because of lack of computer time ;)
It's not easy when there are three computer-holics under one roof.

That brings me up to dateish.
Tomorrow I'm off to New York.
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