Back from Connecticon!

Aug 05, 2008 10:21

As per usual, Connecticon is a great networking con for me. The third networking party that we threw we a great success, and I was so happy to see new faces and many returning artists and friends.

I will say that using the conference room wasn't the solution I was looking for when it came to space. Because it just wasn't big enough for the number of people we get. Next year I will have to look into getting a bigger suite. And that way, we can buy our own food and not have to pay the outrageous fee that the hotel charges. Even if I have to pay full price for the hotel room.

Sales were also good! Even with the new location. We ended up in a large room with gaming and concessions. Which meant that if you were going for food, you went right by the artist alley. But what was disappointing was that there were empty tables, and even empty tables in the Dealer's room.

I will also be working on a new set up for everything, as I wish to expand into t-shirts and other things besides the buttons. This means moving into the dealer's room at some cons, so more space for me. Also, what we have now takes a lot of effort to move and load. I would like to condense what I have into something more manageable.

conecticon, cons

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