Dec 22, 2006 00:26
Even though it is late and I'm completely exhausted, I still feel this need to post. Not really sure why this need is present because, really, I have nothing interesting to talk about.
Regardless of whether or not I think the information i have to share is pointless or not, today was pretty fantastic. It's amazing how much I got done today and by that I mean all the renovations I've done to my room. Okay okay, do let me go to far with this, by renovations I mean massive remodeling. I took that massive stereo system our of my room along with the speakers that look like they belong at a "Sting" concert. Now I have a ridiculous amount of room. I removed the oriental rug off the floor and I'm debating on whether or not to get it professionally cleaned or just trash it.
Cleaning out the closet is a choir I'd rather leave to the maid. But then again, we don't have a maid so I'm screwed. It was AWFUL, not that my closet is dirty it was just cluttered and need organizing. LOOK I'M TRYING TO ORGANIZE my life here. That and I've had very limited social interaction these past few days and I'm getting lonely. I have stories many, but they only involve myself and I'm way to embarassed to tell anyone.
I've been practicing a LOT lately and man, I sound really good. I don't want to sound pompous or blow smoke up my ass or anything, but I'm really happy with my playing. My legato has gotten so much better, my tongue position is great and CONSISTENT! Ugh, I'm so happy with my playing right now which is really weird.
Enough is enough.