Jul 22, 2004 01:24
i feal like crap. ever since i left highschool i felt somethign missing. its my friends. iam lonley, more lazy, and now iam fealing forgotten. yeah i had friends in highschool but now i dont have much. i haev a few freinds who still keep in touch and wich iam thankfull for. but it really makes me feal liek crap. i am goign back to highschool to finsih. next week is my last meeting to get in to my new school. i still dont ahev a job but i hope to get one soon. not becasue i whatn money but more so i can get out and do something. it jsut sucks being forgotten though. to be forgotten its liek the worst thing ever. i guess thats why people strive to be popular, so no one forgets you so u dotn feal lonley after highschool. man this really sucks i guess i need somethign new in my life thats why this vacation is gonna be so good. in august me and my family are renting a beach house for a week and jsut gonna get out and go haev fun for a week. i would do anyhting to go back to grannada and be with all my friends that i miss so much i whatn my old life back. but i know i cant have it back and i never will so people enjoy life right now enjoy highschool it is gonna be the best time of your life because when u get out life sucks. ive been out for liek 2 months yeah in the begining its great but look at me now all i whant is to go back. you dont knwo how much something means to you untill its gone people so dont waste your time haev fun live your life to the fullest every day. do crazy stuff and be wild go out. i feal like an empty glass people. i need something to fill it up.