Aug 19, 2007 17:58
i never understood my mother's need for sit-down dinners with the family.
i think to was about preserving the illusion that we were a 'normal, happy family'...
images of 'leave it to beaver' spring to mind.
but what really went on at the dinner table in my household...the bickering, the whining, the picky eaters and the distracted children running amok...the ugly truth of it - was a perfect illustration of the chaos surrounding our lives. it was our dysfunction tacked up on display.
and yet she'd insist upon it, day in and day out. we must eat together as a family.
like somehow that would make everything all okay.
i guess that's one essential difference that separates myself from my mother. i want the honest, ugly truth..the bare bones. i want what's real.
and i think she's quite content with the pretty lie.