(no subject)

Apr 29, 2006 20:55

I believe it's time for a random journal entry. I LOVE RANDOMNESS!

* I'm watching Pearl Harbor, and I had forgotten how much I love it.

* I have never before in my life wanted something to end as much as I want school to end. I am usually a person who likes school, ask any of my friends. I am a self-proclaimed nerd, but I am just so unmotivated. I JUST WANT IT ALL TO END

* To anyone who is reading this, never take the online class Write! Write! Write!. I am serious.

* I love black and white photographs.

* Faith Hill is my idol, and she always will be.

* I want to attend Appalachian State University when I graduate. I know I have two years left, but I really, really want to go here.

* Someday, I am going to be fluent in Spanish. I plan to continue taking it in college.

* I really want to travel to Israel one day.

* I get my lisccense in 19 days.

* I really want a car. Preferably a Cobalt, but at least something with four wheeks.

* I love my life, and the people who are in it :o)
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