[Fic] Snow Jae, a kiss and 3 mischievous Dwarfs..... for Bel!

Mar 25, 2007 22:03

Title: Snow Jae, a kiss and three mischievous dwarfs.

Author: Bri

Summary: chibi!Dong Bangs… for Miss
bel_chan's birthday (a bit late, but OMG school!) and a sort of 'get well' gift.


“But why do I have to be the girl?” Jaejoong pouted, tugging at the hem of the dress he was being forced into.

“Because JiHye is sick, and you’re the only one who can fit into the costume.” Miss Lee, his teacher, said as she tied the blue bow behind him. “And you know all the words. You want our class play to be the best, don’t you Jaejoong?” She spun him around to face her, adjusting the fit of the dress around his small shoulders.

Jaejoong nodded, hanging his head in defeat. “But… but - all the boys will laugh at me!” he cried.

“No, no of course not,” Miss Lee soothed. “You’re the saviour of our play, without you there would be no Snow White! And what would Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs be without Snow White?”

“The Seven Dwarfs.” He said, simply.

“Exactly! And who wants to watch a play about Seven Dwarfs?”

“I do!” Jaejoong tried to reach for the sash on the dress. Miss Lee stopped him, holding his hands to his side.

“Ok - I’ll make you a deal.” She said. “You be Snow White in the play - and you can have an extra cookie at snack time.”

Jaejoong stopped wriggling. “Chocolate chip?” Miss Lee nodded, a smile spreading across her face. Jaejoong pondered for a moment.

“Two cookies?” He asked in defeat. Miss Lee nodded, beaming at him, before climbing to her feet and leading him into their classroom and behind the curtain hung to create the ‘backstage’ area. Leaving him, she went to the front of the class to begin the play’s introduction.

Jaejoong shifted uncomfortably, scratching at his shoulder underneath his white dress. He glared sullenly at the other ‘cast members’ behind the curtain.

“Does that mean I should call you nuna now, Jae hyung?” asked Junsu innocently, decked out in the red of a dwarf costume. Jaejoong glared at him. Yoochun, Jae’s supposed best friend, snickered.

“I think he looks pretty.” Yunho said. He was dressed all in blue, a foil sword strapped around his hips, just like every other dress-up Prince he had ever played.

Jaejoong blushed, hiding his face in his hands. “Say that again and I’ll hit you.”

“You’ll get your dress dirty,” Changmin said simply, un-wrapping a lollipop before thrusting it into his mouth.

“Good, then I won’t have to be in this stupid play. As a GIRL!” Yoochun finally gave in to his laughter, receiving a swift kick from Jaejoong’s patent leather Mary Janes.

“But then you won’t get to kiss Yunho!” Junsu said.

“What!” Yunho and Jaejoong screeched at the same time, eyes wide as they stared at each other.

“Goodbye.” Jaejoong said, trying to make a break for it. Yoochun grabbed him, pulling him back. Junsu pushed Yunho forward as Changmin blocked off the exit.

“I think you should practice.” Junsu said, grinning from ear to ear. “You know - so our play is perfect.” Jaejoong glared at him over Yunho’s shoulder, promising certain death with his eyes.

“Yeah - teacher always says practice makes perfect!” Yoochun added as he pushed Jaejoong forward as well, until his chest was touching Yunho’s. Jaejoong glanced around wildly, looking for an escape route. He tried to duck out from underneath YooChun’s arm, but Yoochun held him fast. He turned a pleading look to Changmin, using his best kicked-puppy expression, but Changmin continued sucking his lollipop, closing the circle even further.

Finally, he sighed in defeat. “Fine, let’s get this over with.” He said, tensing up and bracing for Yunho’s kiss.

Junsu dug a finger into Yunho’s side. Yunho threw a harsh glare at him, but Junsu only smiled, sticking out his tongue. Yunho turned to Jaejoong, who screwed his eyes shut in dreaded anticipation.

Jaejoong felt something soft brush quickly across his forehead. He waited, his eyes closed for a few minutes, before opening them warily. Yunho’s face was bright red as he stared at the floor.

“That’s it?” he questioned. Yunho looked up.

“Of course that’s it! We’re only eight,” he said.

“But that’s not a kiss!” Jaejoong protested, moving to his tiptoes and smacking his lips against Yunho’s. He stood back, his arms crossed smugly over his chest.

“That’s a kiss.” He flashed a bright smile, walking away as the teacher called his name and leaving behind a stunned Yunho and a chortling YooSuMin.


I know you love chibis Bel, so I took a crack at it. I think I fail at kids though >.< oh well - Happy Birthday Bel!

jaeho, gift fic, fic: snow jae, chibis, fic

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